Thursday, September 1, 2022

Let's Go To The Ex!

Yesterday I went to the CNE (The "Ex") and it felt sooooo good to be back in my hometown again( and check out this awesome photo I took of the CN Tower as we drove by right near the Ex as we were stopped for a traffic light! I still remember as a kid when it was just being built,too; I must have been 9 or 10 years old).It always reminds me of my Old Life and I feel like the Old Me again, how I used to be before life broke me. I was gone 12 HRS and my legs and back are just killing me( even still today,too!) and I can hardly walk and I slowly hobble along like an old cripple ( even more than before) and I'm so stiff and sore. Poor Buddy really missed me too and waited all day in the front hallway by the door and all last night slept pressed up right next to me. The weather was perfect,too; 23 C and a nice breeze and I had to take frequent breaks and sit down as I can't walk too much( or for too long) and I saw 2 shows as well: an acrobat troupe from Chicago( Called The Chicago Boys) and Irish dancing that actually came all the way from Ireland.I also saw 3 Buddhist monks walk by, with their shaved heads and orange robes. I liked seeing the diversity of the city too that I miss that we don't really have here in small town Bumble-F*ck.

Here I am in the car on the way back, wearing my new funky tie-dye outfit I got at the Ex and I only bought 3 things; that, a gigantic bone for Buddy,(and I tried buffallo meat,too!) plus 5 bath-bombs for 20$ (which is good as I've been to those expensive bath boutiques in the mall where they cost 10$ each) and I had one this morning soaking my poor aching sore muscles and it fizzed up and smelled soooo good and turned the bathw ater a cranberry colour and it looked like I had slit my wrists. They had less than half the vendors they normally do though and they never even had the usual one I get my 100 cones of various flavour incense for 10$ and not even the vendor selling lavender that's been there every year ever since I was a kid. The good is though that I didn't spend too much $$$. I was also thinking maybe I didn't find/buy much is maybe I'm dying soon and it would have just been a waste of $$$ to buy stuff I'm never going to be able to wear anyway. The food was really  expensive too and the falafel and drink I got for lunch was 15$ and later on I got sort of a bubble tea only instead of tea it was mango and it was 10$! My mother was mad we didn't bring her back any food too even though she never even requested any and it was too expensive anyway.

So, for dinner, instead of eating at the Ex, we went to a restaurant (Kelsey's) instead as it would cost the same( or less!) which it did, and I got the 4 cheese/spinach dip with pita  and it was sooooo good! At the Ex I also saw a girl that I swore was the 19 YR old: she looked exactly like her; same hair cut and colour, same face, dressed the same, walked like her, same mannerisms, everything! I even wondered if maybe she didn't go back to Vancouver afterall and decided to stay behind in Toronto longer. It was soooo weird; I could have sworn on my life that it was her and I ran into her 3 times. If it wasn't her then it's her doppelganger; her identical twin, her clone. They say everyone has a "double" out there somewhere and this is hers. My God, it was uncanny. I feeel sorry for my 'twin" though; the poor ugly thing. There was some mask-holes there too( but not the majority by any means) mostly Chinese people and old people and they even had a vaccine clinis set up but I just shook my head, scoffed, laughed, rolled my eyes and walked by. I also saw a young guy being abusive to his GF; I heard her say, Where are we going? and then saw him grab her by the hair and back of her neck and roughly shove her ahead. What am I going to do, though? I can't really say or do anything or he might be violent on me. All I could do is think to myself, WTF? What an asshole! I hope she leaves his sorry ass! and say a silent prayer for her.

These are my bath bombs( and the 23 YR old likes bath bombs,too) and there were long lines for the rides(I don't go on anymore anyway; I won't line up like that for anything and I'm that person that would pay someone else to stand in line for me) even for "simple" ones like the ski lift, and a soccer game let out as well( there's a stadium right there on the grounds) and I saw 2 soccer players and they were wearing tight form-fitting Spandex shirts and short shorts( like cycling shorts) and they were sooo hot ; big arm muscles and tight asses; I kept staring at them. I'm not dead yet and I can still look  and appreciate a nice piece of ass when I see one.I was also really sweaty at one point in the craft building sweat was just pouring down my face and soaked my shirt I felt like I was going to pass out and I had to quickly sit on a bench until it passed, and my abdomenal pain finally declared itself as well; before it had always been vague spread in the general overall abdomenal area but now I was able to pinpoint the exact location: in the middle of my right side parallel to my belly-button(so my first guess would be appendix but it could be pancreas, liver, or right kidney or lung), and the 23 YR old and her BF tested positive for COVID as well and she's been sick for 2-3 weeks now( and has been vaccinated; wow....those vaccines sure do "work" well don't they.....and I haven't been vaccinated and I only had it for 11 days....) and now the 26 YR old and the 15 YR old are sick,too....

I have autism and bipolar but autism and bipolar does not have me.


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