Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Only This.

Not much to update or to post today, only this. This photo is sort of contradictory as poor Buddy looks so sad, so old, practically dead, but I look so happy just to be cuddling, snuggling,and loving on him, which I am. he truly is the light in my life. I "get" it with the Queen, too; people are sad she's died even though she was really old (96) and it wasn't unexpected and no one lives forever  and everyone has to die some time and that's how it is with Buddy,too; he's really old as well ( 16 1/2 now!) and I know he can't live forever( even though I wish more than anything that he could!!) and I know I could be any time now yet when the time does come I will be grief-stricken beyond words because he's so beloved to me and such a big part of my life. For me though, he is my entire life and all I have left. When he's gone I'll have nothing.

As well, last night I had a dream that the oldest came for a surpise unexpected visit from Edmonton , the 27 YR old had a new GF, and I was shot 7-8 times; mostly in the back and twice in the side and once in the back of the head,and my hubby now has a painful shoulder so bad he can hardly use his right arm and the doctor said it's just a "pinched nerve" and gave him pills but they don't work so tomorrow he's seeing a chiropractor and I went to ones years ago for my back and it helped but then he either channged jobs or insurance or insurance stopped covering it or something with insurance so I stopped and he won't admit that he's an old man now and things are starting to fall apart and yesterday I still had that weird headache too that starts in my neck and moves up to my head.Next month my Facebook friend also completes his 6 month stay in "rehab" for trying to kill himself again and I hope he's doing well and I still think about him and pray for him every day and wonder how he's doing and look forward to hearing from him again. I can't believe it's almost been that long already though! Time just goes by so fast!

I also got my love, the pumpkin spice DQ Blizzard (Buddy likes it,too; dogs generally do like pumpkin,and watermelon,too) and this morning I enjoyed soaking in another of my bath bombs and this one turned the water a pretty mix of purple and blue at first but it was a swirl/ marbled purple and blue so it makes sense but then at the end it ended up more a royal blue colour  and this time I didn't have my camera to get a photo so I just have to remember it. Some things you just have to live in the moment and in the 70's and 80's it used to be bath oil beads (which I also loved) and now it's bath bombs, and last night my computer had no Internet either( and of course it always happens when my hubby's not here to fix it) but everyone else's was ok of course so later on my hubby said he had to reboot my router. It figures.  I have the worst luck.I wish I could "reboot" my life.

All things must pass.-George Harrison


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Wordless Wednesday.