Saturday, September 17, 2022

The Donuts.

Yesterday was "officially" cold: you could see your breath outside in the morning and I put on socks and put my Oodie on.I was also listening to the Lenny Kravitz song 5 More Days 'Till Summer  and then sadly realized it was 5 more days until fall and the fall-coloured leaves are pretty but it's sad too because it also means that they're dead and my stomach hurt so much as well it felt like I was kicked by a horse, and I saw Mr.Sunflower outside smoking weed, and another neighbour is building a new fence and across the street at the dance studio I saw them unloading literally at least a hundred boxes of donuts(I wonder if it's from our friend's bakery?) from a van I assume they're selling as fundraisers and then shortly after lots of parents pulling up in their vehicles picking up bags of them and I was secretly hoping someone would come by our house and knock on the door selling them but no one ever did at least not so far. I love it when kids come by selling those yummy chocolate bars and chocolate-covered almonds. Yumm! God loves the charitable and I love chocolate!I also asked the Google Home device the weather and when it said it's going to rain I said in disbelief What? Say what? it repeated it.

This is also the home-made nachos I made last night and the 27 YR old has this red stinging bump on his leg that's getting bigger that I think looks like an insect bite, perhaps maybe a tick so I told him to keep an eye on it and outline it in black marker so he can keep an eye on the size and how much it gets bigger, and I got more weed yesterday but it wasn't my usual Jamaican "friend" that delivered it but a new guy; a young nerdy-looking guy that didn't even look like the type that would smoke weed, and I'm such a stooge; this morning after my bath I put my shorts on backwards(duuh!) and there was a cop in Toronto sitting in a coffee/donut shop just eating his meal and minding his own business and a thug shot him point-blank and killed him they think just because he was a cop and was targeted for his uniform and that's exactly why my mother's uncle( now long dead) who was a cop never wore his uniform to and from work(but changed once he got there) or when he was off-duty, so he wouldn't be identified as a cop and be targeted or bothered, and ideally I'd like to move to the Caribbean(Jamaica specifically) or if not then maybe Panama, Costa Rica, Belize, Eastern Europe, or maybe Mexico might get another amigo, and it's ridiculous too how they claim the COVID "vaccine" is really even a vaccine as it doesn't even prevent  the disease but merely "lessens" it but if your dog had the rabies vaccine, for instance, or your kid got the polio vaccine and then they actually got rabies or polio ( even "mildly") you'd know the vaccine didn't work and you'd be asking why is this any different?

"If the world is against the truth, then I am against the world." —Athanasius of Alexandria


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