Sunday, September 25, 2022


Bringing us up-to-date I got more sunflowers yesterday likely the last of the season and as well as the TV not working now our dryer doesn't work,either, and we can't even hang our laundry outside like rednecks either because we don't have a clothesline; we used to when we first moved in the house but dismantled it because it's redneck and looked so tacky so today my hubby has to haul the clothes to a laundrymat to dry them and tomorrow we call a repairman hoping he can fix it for not-too-much $$$$$ as it's yet something else that we can't afford to replace!  For days now I still also have my baaad abdomenal and back pain but the worst is my stomach pain and it feels like a combination of being kicked by a horse, really bad constipation( but I know it's not since I do shit 6-8 times a day) and really tight elastic waistband on your pants. it's so bad it wakes me up and keeps me awake and I just want to scream in pain. I pour melted warm wax on it to help ease the pain and of course smoke weed.

I also ordered the other ring I've wanted for months as I still had $$$$ left over I'd saved up for the CNE but didn't spend. This one was 30$USD so about 50$ in our $$$ as the exchange rate is the worst it's been in like forever and it's supposed to be a birthstone ring but I just got my 3 fave. gems: sapphire, opal, and amethyst.It actually comes in 3 separate pieces,too; 3 rings that stack together. I like how it has a sort of antique look to it as well. My mother's nausea is also back again worse, my guess is due to ger declining due to diabetes so the sooner she starts on her insulin injections the better but she sees her doctor this week and she always walks around the house without pants as well and it's so gross as she has these skinny wrinkly shrivelled bird/chicken legs and now Hurricane Fiona ( whenever I hear Fiona I always think of Fiona the hippo or Princess Fiona from Shrek) now hit the Maritimes and one of my Facebook friends lives there and they said their electric power is all off and on the news it looks pretty bad and they say it's one of the worst and will go down in history, just like in the Bible Book of Revelation it warned of unusual and extreme weather and natural disasters in the Last Days  and End Times and God's People can clearly see it unfolding but the unbelievers blame on "Climate Change" and "Global Warming."

This is also my fave. time of day; evening when the sun goes down, and now the construction crew filled in the big hole on our lawn and next-door's and from what I can see everyone's on our street although they also dug up The Dancer's across the street so I wonder if they originally did something wrong and had to re-do it and I notice now as well this morning our water pressure is much better; stronger, faster and hotter even though I didn't really even notice before that it was so bad, and hopefully soon they'll be finishing off and we'll get our new road, sidewalk and lawn,too? Our backyard lawn also has a bunch of holes dug in it making me wonder if there's perhaps a gopher there or just the squirrels digging up their nuts they had buried before? Next Saturday is also the Greek festival my mother and I always love but had been cancelled for the past few years so we're both looking forward to it, esp the food!

The world is about to soon find out that the Bible is not just a story book.-Lisa Lim


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