Sunday, September 18, 2022

Wally World.

Yesterday I went to Wal-Mart ( my hubby calls Wally World) as it's pretty much the only big store in town to get anything as I needed to get a few things incl. this cute artificial sunflowers centrepiece that now lives on the coffee table. They had nice fall wreaths with them as well but they cost 30$ which is too pricey for me so I got this for 8$ instead. I also had to get more bath body wash and body lotion and instead of getting the more expensive 15$ body wash I found a nice coconut and lavender one for just 5$ and I got the cheaper 5$ lotion instead of the 10$ one and I'm proud of myself and to think that before I used to buy face cream that cost 100$ and wouldn't  be caught dead ever setting a  foot in a store like Wal-Mart! HA! I was done my part before my hubby and I waited outside for him and he took forever and I said You took so long my ass is numb from waiting!  and a guy walking by heard it and laughed but my hubby didn't think it was so funny and every time I just even speak he calls it whining(I think he's just tired of me and fed-up with me and now everything about me just annoys him) and there  I also saw a few mask-holes mostly all old people and I saw a father drop off his teen daughter for work saying Have a good day! I love you!  and she got out of the truck and rolled her eyes and another teen girl walk in with her father waaay ahead of him because, you know, it's so NOT "cool" to be seen in public with your parents although when I was a teen I never had that; I would go shopping and out in public everywhere with my mother.

As I was sitting waiting an old man also walked by and smiled and said to me We spend half our lives waiting, don't we? and I also saw a prego woman vaping and a Karen trying to bring her poodle into the store and they kicked her out as dogs aren't allowed unless legit service dogs and as much as I love my dog I'd never think to bring him into a store, a restaurant, etc.and the store already has Satan's Day (Halloween) stuff out so I just quickly walked past it and tried not to look and I saw a woman there as well I noticed also had her left lower leg and ankle swollen much more than her right just like me and I wondered if she too also has the same medical issue I do as well whatever that may be, and I must have lost weight too as all my underwear( funderwear) and shorts are loose and falling down now and at first I thought they were just broken, like maybe the elastic was gone, but all of them? One of my cousins in Europe's daughter( who is now 18-19) is also on a 2 week solo trip to Egypt(It's common for Europeans to typically go off to tropical resorts in Egypt and Turkey like here in North America we go to the Caribbean) and I remember when I was there this creepy old toothless man asked me to marry him and even offered me 200 camels!

I also got this decadent triple chocolate creme mousse and fudge cake the kind restaurants charge 10$ a slice for. It was practically calling out to me. EAT ME! It was just soooo good words can't even begin to describe it. So delicious that your eyes roll into the back of your head, you moan deeply in ecstasy and your toes curl. I also downloaded the new Ozzy Osbourne album and listened to it all last night and with anything in alphabeticl order(songs on my playlist for example) I always have to go back to the beginning of the alphabet and start over to remember which letter comes before which because I'm dumb like that and wonder if other people have to do that too or if it's just me, and my hubby said he was talking to Mr.Sunflower too and asked him how he gets such good sunflowers every summer and he said he just plants lots of seeds and he even said he'll give me some seeds! Isn't that nice? I also smelled skunk really strong yesterday when I was in the backyard so I wonder if there's a skunk there under the bushes and Buddy does keep trying to get under there to something and tomorrow at 5 am they're broadcasting the Queen's funeral live at 5 am (due to the time difference) but who is going to get up at 5 am to watch TV? Just watch highl;ights on the news later if you're interested and I saw King Charles  the other day not knowing what day it was and fighting with a "retarded" pen that didn't work and "cursing" it (the next day he brought his own pen!)  just like me and it makes him appear more "human", more relatable to the rest of us.

Reggae music is all that I need.-Lucky Dube


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