Friday, October 7, 2022

Curbside Appeal.

We now have curbs! It looks like a barrier between where the soon-to-be sidewalk and soon-to-be road will be but my hubby condescendingly told me that's what the curb is even though I always thought that the "curb" was where the sidewalk ends just before you step onto the road. Oh, well, in any case, here is how it looked before as they prepped it, with rebars sticking up and the surface all flattened down.I was surprised as well that the construction guys( there were 2 Black guys as well which you don't see too often) all spoke English as usually around here they speak French(and in Toronto usually Italian, Greek, or Portuguese) and Buddy barfed the other night and I almost did yesterday too so I wonder if somone maybe poisoned the Grand Big Mac  I had and also shared with him and my hubby also lost the ticket I won the free food which figures; the one time I actually win something and he loses it, and yesterday my pain was stabbing, sharp white-hot only in the lower left of my abdomen( usually it's the right side) so bad I gasped and sucked in my breath and thought What the f*ck was that? but I do have a cyst on my left ovary(I also have one on my right kidney,too) so it could have been that?

Here a cement truck( my God, are those things ever noisy!!!) poured cement down the chute onto the machine behind it and workmen behind it formed it the way they wanted after it plops out onto the road.My mother also spelled "waffles" as "wafeels" and "noodles" as "noudles" so she's really "losing" it and her and my hubby are always yelling at me to shut up, to wait my turn, to stop interrupting, and say I'm "rude" etc. but I don't mean  to be and don't even realize it; it must be an autism thing; it's just that I get so "excitable" and want my voice to be heard and my thoughts, opinions and needs to be met(and no one else ever cares so I have to speak up and be insistant and look out for myself) and if I don't say what's on my mind right away I'll forget plus I want to be incl. but never know the right time to incl. myself into the conversation or know the proper time to interject, and yesterday I was smoking weed( the bong hits were so hot too I think I burned my tonsils off!) and when I came back inside my mother said, I smell the skunk again!😂

Here the crew is afterwards smoothing it out with what looked like brooms and some sort of smoothing tool I have no idea what it's called and the 27 YR old GOT THE JOB cleaning chandeliers! I actually wonder if it's even legit or just a 'front" for something but they told him he starts training on Tuesday and to "look professional" in his clothes(and he's getting his hair cut today; he's needed one for awhile but didn't have any $$$) with "no visible tattoos" (luckily he only has one on his shoulder blade you can't see) and I assumed to clean chandeliers it would be at places like banquet halls, ballrooms,hotels, reception halls, etc. but apparantly some ultra-rich folks are also clients and have them in their homes as well and lots of travel to Toronto but the guy will drive him there and even pay travel expenses and there's no women to distract him either like at his last job which is good, and even though he liked his former job at the grocery store and he was happy there( probably because of all the skanks he got to f*ck) you have to admit it was a dead-end job so maybe this was God's way of giving him a better opportunity and moving up?

Here is a completed curb across the street and as an extra special treat you also get to see our garbage and recyling cans(as it was pick-up day) but you got lucky as they'd been emptied and in the 13 or so years I've been on Facebook (which is my fave. site as I get to connect with people but not face-to-face which panics me with my social phobia) 6 of my friends have died, 5 or so babies have been born, 2 got married,2 have transistioned from male to female, a couple have attempted suicide, a handful of first-time grandparents created,several have had COVID and a few have had been in natural disasters and a couple have gotten divorced and several have moved.I've also lost at least 50 friends over the years that have de-friended me.

Here is the curb in front of our house, right up close. I ran out to take this shot as soon as the work crew left for the day, and just mere minutes before sundown while I still had light so it was a race for time. The camera on my iPod also broke( even though it's only a year old) and I have no reason why but luckily I still saved my old one(I use as a back-up for my music when the new one is charging) so I can use that one for photos still oterwise I would be S.O.L.

Here is a the curb looking down from the top When I told my hubby I was so tempted to engrave f*ck  into the fresh cement he told me I was "being childish".... and then he said he wanted to write his name in it which is just stupid because then they'd know who did it; at least my f*ck would be anonymous and no one would know who did it! Buddy also kept making funny noises during the night and opening his mouth and it kept waking me up, worried, so I didn't sleep well, and he is everything to me, my whole world, my entire life, the only reason I still keep holding on, my reason for living. I honestly don't know what I'd do without him. He is my rock, my anchor.My calm in the storm.He is the only one that loves me and all I have.

I much prefer illusion to reality because illusion is much happier.


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