Saturday, October 1, 2022

Runs With Scissors.

If I had a Native-American name it would be Runs With Scissors  and the title of my autobiography would be Running With Scissors. Food has also gotten so expensive  that the radio station has even given away turkeys as prizes to callers (I can remember back in the day when they used to give out records and concert tickets) and now a roast costs a whopping 21.99$ a pound, not for the entire roast but per pound and even pasta( which used to be one of the cheapest foods you could eat, along with rice) went up by 30% No one can even afford to live anymore! Buddy can also now open the front door by himself by pushing it with his snoot and then standing up and opening it the rest of the way by pushing it with his body and going outside on his own so now we have to make sure that we keep the screen door locked and my pain is now white-hot on the lower right-side abdomen and feels like I got kicked by a horse around my belly-button and I sit out in the sun and let the warm sun soothe my sore belly, sort of like nature's heating pad and I smoke weed and my family acts like I bring "shame" upon the family by smoking weed,too, even though it's medicinal and ever since the COVID "Clot-Shot" vaccine now I no longer trust any  vaccines anymore and will probably never get a vaccine of any sort ever again. Putin's referendum in Ukraine to join Russia people also decry as "fraud" reminds me too of Trump claiming the US Presidential election was "false" because he didn't like the results either.

I was going to go to the Greek festival today as well but I saw the menu online and they don't  have moussaka like they used to and that's what I was looking forward to getting; all they have is souvlaki and we have that here for dinner and I'm not going to pay 15$ for souvlaki that I can get at home so I decided not to go, disappointed as usual, and plus, I'd also have to use my own $$$ even though my mother said she would pay for the 15 and 27 YR old's, just not mine. Her  so-called "reasoning" is that the 27 YR old  "doesn't have a job" (well, neither do I) and neither of them "have any $$$$" (when the 15 YR old actually has more $$$$ saved than I do) and that I'm the "mother and should pay" (even though she has more $$$ than I do)  and she's "not paying for everyone" ( no, just for everyone EXCEPT me)when really it comes down to she just pays for them(and not me) because as always she wants to gain their "favour" and "buy" their allegiance and affection, and I'm not going to pay for something(souvlaki) that I don't really want(when what I really wanted was moussaka) so I decided to not even bother. I also asked her if the 27 YR  old was going earlier and she replied, I never 'invited' him  and I was like, What? He doesn't need an 'invitation' from you or need your 'permission' to go; he can come if he wants to! I swear, that woman really is  something!

Lord save us all from a hope tree that has lost the faculty of putting out blossoms.-Mark Twain


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