Sunday, October 16, 2022

See How High I Can Fly.

I got this off Facebook 

All my life, I’ve fought to raise my self esteem and build myself up.
You never really forget those times as a child or a young adult when others call you names and make fun of you..
That’s something that sticks with you, always in the back of your mind.
I’ve worked very hard to believe in myself and exude confidence, but there are those days and times when the demons of insecurity whisper to your darkest places.
Everyone tries to tell you how to look, how to dress, how to act..all the things that really don’t matter in the bigger picture of things..
But I’m guilty of chasing approval from people who pass judgement on appearance for no reason other than to try to make themselves feel better..
And truthfully, it never did.
I’m done with trying to seek the favor of those for things I don’t care about.
I want to be known for the beautiful qualities I have, not how pretty I am..
There’s so much more to me than what I’m wearing or my external beauty.
Show me the way to the people that praise depth, love passion and enjoy character..
I’m walking away from all those fake people who concern themselves with unimportant details in a world obsessed with fake perfection.
I’m imperfect, I’m flawed and I’m always going to have bad days..that’s just life.
But as I look in the mirror, I know that those things don’t define me, they motivate me to try harder.
My scars tell the story of where I’ve been and my heart sings the melody of where I’m going.
I have times of insecurity and indecision, but we all do.
Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and exhale slowly.
Opening my eyes, I see the woman staring back at me and I’m starting to see more than all the bad stuff I used to fixate on.
It’s not easy as my eyes try to drift to my imperfections and flaws, but I know now I’m more than that.
I done focusing on the things that don’t matter and I’m going to begin believing in the things that do.
I’m strong because I’ve survived the fire and risen again.
I’m brave because I dug deeply and found the courage to start believing and loving myself in the way I should have.
I’m loved by the people in my life who appreciate me for all of my beautiful disaster and glorious mess that makes me special..
And I’m now learning to put myself and my needs first..including love.
As a smile begins to curl the corners of my mouth, I start to remember the magic that has made me amazing all along.
I’m more than enough..
and I always will be.
This year, I’m showing myself and the world just how high I can fly.
No matter what happens or how hard life can get..
There’s nothing stopping me from flying higher than I ever have before.


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