Saturday, October 29, 2022

Sunflower Globe.

Look what I found yesterday! A real sunflower in a snowglobe so I can enjoy it year-round! It was more expensive than I'd like (25$) but it was special and just soooo perfect for me so I got it anyway. Sometimes you just have to treat yourself and we all pay for the important things in life. I also got the almond/cherry Jergens body lotion I remember as a child so it brought back happy memories and I was even able to get the Advent calendars,too! I also went in the closet to get my lilac candle out I had saved from before.....and it was gone and I know I haven't used it yet as I was saving it for after my pumpkin spice and apple cinnimin one so either someone took it or throw it out( something one of the kids has done before with my stuff) just to piss me off. My friend P( from grade 6) is also back in Cuba again even though she just got back a couple of weeks ago and she goes so often I wonder why doesn't she just move there and wonder too if maybe she's even a spy or something? It's sad realizing as well that hugging ,cuddling,and snuggling Buddy is the only love and physical affection and physical contact that I have in my life. I think it's sad too how Kanye West is now being hated, vilified, and "cancelled" when he's struggling with mental illness when what he really needs most right now is love, understanding, support, compassion,amd help, and as for me, I've always preferred to be alone,too, by myself; other people annoy me and I enjoy the solitude and peace.

Yesterday I also watched as the cement truck poured out cement to fix in front of the dance studio across the street and to finish off the sidewalk at the corners and it looks like shit plopping out of a cow or hippo's ass, and something weird,too: for a few minutes I couldn't understand what the workmen were saying; it sounded like they were speaking in a foreign language I couldn't understand but then awhile later I realized it was English but for a few minutes it sounded foreign and I couldn't understand it! I also had this weird headache all day too all across the front of my forehead that I couldn't get rid of so maybe I'm going to have a stroke or I have a brain tumour or something? The 28 YR old's boss also said a mosque called about having their chandeliers cleaned and then asked an odd question: if they have Jewish clients and when they said most of them were they hung up! WTF? That's just so mean, and Islam and Judaism actually have more in common with eachother( prayer times, ritual cleansing, no pork, only worship God, no Trinity or divinity of Jesus, dietary laws, etc) than they do with Christianity, and Hindus have Diwali Festival of Lights and Jews have Hanukkah Festival of Light so when you really think about it most religions have more in common with eachother than you realize.

Hearts rolling in taken back on the tide We're balanced together ocean upon the sky.-Heart


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