Tuesday, October 4, 2022

The Flying Running Shoe.

For the longest time( until just fairly recently actually) I always thought that the Goodyear symbol( seen here) was a flying running shoe, like my Converse Chuck Taylor hi-tops! Then my mother told me that it's actually from some Greek mythology shit( which I never got into being that it's paganism, idol worship and false gods so I avoid) but it made sense though; you're in a hurry to get to the store so if you had wings on your running shoes you can get there even faster to get your stuff. I've always had a different way of thinking though and this is just but one example. Another I can remember is when I was 18 and playing the game Trivial Pursuit(which, surprisingly I was very good at actually except for the sports catagory) there was a question What is a female peacock called? and I was stumped; I always thought they were both just called peacocks so she gave me a hint, Well, what's the opposite of 'cock'? so I said cunt!....wait a minute.....it's actually called a peacunt? and then after she almost died laughing she said, No!Hen! It's called a peaHEN! Oh, well, how was I to know, and in any case it made for a really funny story that's endured for decades!Sometimes being autistic can be fun and has its benefits although most of the time it's just incredibly frustrating.The 27 YR old also says I'm not a warrior( fighting so many battles in my life and winning) either, despite all the traumas, trials,adversity, crisis, etc. I've endured in my life, and just a survivor but that everyone is, dismissing and diminishing everything I've gone thru, just yet another example of how I never get any support or understanding from my toxic family and have to struggle alone.

Here is me now my hair is grown in a bit longer for the cooler weather and I heard if you take the photo at a 45 degree angle you don't see your double-chin and it actually worked! You can also see I have no eyebrows(Whoopi Goldberg style, ha, ha) and when I woke up it was a freezing 0 C and we even had a frost advisory and a Facebook friend in the UK said increduously In October? but when I reminded him I live in Canada he said, Oh...ok... then it made sense, and I noticed as well I've lost quite a few Facebook friends recently as well so was it something I said( or rather, posted) there must be something about me that people just don't like but f*ck 'em.Yesterday I also woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I had a lump stuck in my throat and I had it all day and they said a ring I ordered was held up at customs being inspected and I was going to order a sunflowers calender for 2023 and it used to be 16.99$ and now 21.99$ due to inflation and I get it(I'm not happy about it but I get it) but then with shipping it ended up to be 45$, more than twice a much so forget it! I'm NOT paying 45$ for a calendar! I'll just look around and see if I can find it in the stores! I hate it we always get ripped-off and over-charged for shipping in this shithole!

This is also my view of the pretty fall leaves from the front veranda. and I remember when the kids were little we used to pull them in the wagon and go around the neighbourhood for a leaf walk(I wonder if they still even remember that?) and we'd collect various leaves and I'd make a leaf wreath I'd hang on the front door. The neighbour also finally finished his fence( it took him long enough) and on the weekend my hubby and the 27 YR old were in a chess tournament and my hubby won and this morning the 27 YR old has a job interview and when he got the info my hubby tore off the ad so no one else would see it and be able to apply giving him an advantage, and my mind is shit that I remembered the 15 YR old had his  badminton lesson but forgot that I had my pizza in the oven and when the timer went off I said Whose timer is that? and yesterday I had a donut saved on my place-setting at the kitchen table for breakfast and a damn mouse ate it(I never even knew they were on the table) so last night I set a trap and this morning I'd  found I'd caught one of the little f*ckers and I hope it was the same one who ate my donut!

“No one is born ugly, we're just born in a judgemental society.”-Kim Namjoon.


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