Wednesday, November 23, 2022

All Done?

Yesterday the road crew fixed everyone's driveways that they had torn up during  construction and most of us on the street only had the ends of our driveways repaired( like us, shown in the top photos here) but the teacher across the street( the lucky bastard!) had his entire drivway all re-done as they'd torn it all up! I wish they re-did all of ours too because it's so shit-less and all has cracks and desperately needs to be redone but we don't have thousands of $$$ to be able to afford it. I thought they were finally done and yet the pylons still remain so are they re-paving the road( a second coat,perhaps?) today then,too? Most of the snow has melted now as well it's mild this week and now it's not much more than a light "dusting" of white left on the ground and we're getting rain but I prefer the snow over rain; at least the snow is pretty and makes you feel festive but the rain is just dull and gloomy. I also heard real Christmas trees have gone way up in price and now are almost 100$ so now I don't feel so bad paying around 200$ for our artificial flocked tree; at least I just had to pay it once and we just re-use it; I don't have to keep paying it each year. We used to have real trees(and I just love the smell of a real tree!!) until that year it fell over and leaked water all over the hardwood floor and left a big black stain and that was the end of that.

It was funny too how the construction crew melted the snow and ice: they used a blowtorch powered by a portable propane tank but I always thought that you weren't supposed to expose propane tanks and gas to an open exposed flame or spark or else they might explode, being highly flammable and all and Buddy still hasn't shit,either, so I made a home-made natural suppository out of a piece of a bar of soap that looked like a tiny miniature bullet as I was hesitant to do the enema as it does cause bad cramping and I got my entire index finger up there and "rooted" around and he doesn't have any impaction and my(gloved!) finger came out where is all that shit he must have after 4 days? I hope he doesn't have an intestinal blockage or something, although if he did he'd also be vomiting and have bad pain.....but if he doesn't go today I'll have to give him the enema as he can't go much longer without going...

The 28 YR old also spent over 200$ on winter boots and ordered Dolce & Gabbana sunglasses and he says he "likes to show-off" and have people admire him but I told him it's sad,really; to have people like him not for himself but for someone he really isn't; for someone that he's just pretending to be; he's just acting; playing a part, and why should he even care what other people think anyway and who exactly is he even trying to impress? He should just be himself and the right people will naturally be drawn to him and the others don't matter, and besides, who even wants such shallow phony people like that as "friends", anyway? He's also going to get a driver's license( despite having an obvious perception problem like I do) as it's beneficial for work so I wish him luck and hope it works out, unlike my mother, who says he'll be a danger on the road and she hopes he fails the test which I think is mean.

If you live in Canada or Australia, my advice is to leave now.- Illuminatibot On Twitter


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