Wednesday, November 16, 2022

First Snow!

Starting last night and into today we have our first snow of the season! They'd forecasted 6-8 cm but now they said only 2 cm or so but still enough to cover everything in a pretty serene white making it look like a snowglobe or a fairytale winter wonderland out there and of course most of the school buses were all cancelled this morning even though it's just a little snow and we get winter every year and you'd think everyone would be used to it by now. I heard Buffalo is even getting something like 95 cm! Holy shit! Buddy was not impressed, however, and when I took him out this morning he just stood there in shock, looking like he was thinking What the actual f*ck? What is that? Where did this come from? he just quickly peed, shook the snow flakes off himself, and the fur on his back went up in disapproval and he went back inside. I also heard this radio ad and they said Selling confidence for over 50 years but at first I thought  they said So incompetent for over 50 years and I heard as well that the 3 cell phone companies in this shithole country are are also the 3 most expensive top 3 in the world and in this shithole we pay twice  as much as Americans do for cell service and three times as much as Australians and have the highest cell phone rates in the world; as always getting over-charged and ripped-off for everything,

Yesterday I also re-arranged the furniture, etc. and got the lights turned on the Christmas tree( my hubby had to figure out how and where to plug them in; I tried but they wouldn't plug in or fit; I have no idea which plug fits where  or what cord ,etc.which is why he fights with the lights and I just decorate; he said I used the "wrong" plugs,etc. but of course it only took him under 5 minutes) and today I'm going to decorate it, inspired by the snow and feeling more "festive" and my hubby says if the 28 YR old can afford to pay 98$ on a bottle of Abisynthe (I don't even know if I spelled that right) he can afford to start paying rent and with so much $$$ lately it makes me wonder as well if he's doing something more too than just cleaning chandeliers(I probably don't even want to know)and I still laugh too remembering when my BFF and I were 12 and we had our soulier (French for shoes) joke.

This morning I also put rose petals in my bath for a nice luxurious soaking and I find the most pleasure in the Little Things in life and yesterday hitting the bong I also noticed my thumb really hurt(it felt like a burn) and it looked all pink, swollen and elevated like a blistered burn but looking closer like a dot in the middle like a wasp sting or spider bite but closer inspection saw it was just a cut, sort of like a paper cut but it hurt soooo much so likely infected so I cleaned it extra and it looks better today and I saw online a guy told his heavily prego wife to go get him a drink and his mother told him to Go get it yourself, you lazy bum!  and she apologized to his wife,too, saying, I thought I raised a man, but I guess I raised an asshole and he said she was supposed to be on his "side" and she replied, I would be, except you're an asshole! and I can totally relate to that, and can still remember too with the 28 YR old's ex-GF he'd always order her around to bring him food and stuff, like she was his servant and I always told her You're NOT his slave, you know! You don't have to do what he says! I tried to raise my boys to be gentlemen and to treat women with respect too but somehow they still ended up to devalue and "use" women, likely just copying seeing how my hubby(and mother) treat me.

I have gone through hell and am doing all I can to resurface.


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