Friday, November 11, 2022

Last Day.

Yesterday was our last day sitting outside as today it's going to rain and then a cold front is coming thru and it's going to stay cold( more seasonal) and maybe even -gasp!- snow coming but it IS Novemeber though and that's normal for this time of year and we'be been lucky to still be able to even be outside at this time! I took this photo of the awesome-looking clouds and my hubby left for his colonoscopy and his brother was going to drive him( you can't drive home after after anesthesia; it's just like driving drunk being all drugged-up) except he forgot that their uncle's(their dad's brother) funeral is today in Quebec so he has a friend that's driving him instead. The uncle was in his 90's and I remember him,too; I was prego with the oldest and the uncle and my hubby's mother got into some sort of argument( something trivial) but my hubby over-reacted and lunged across the table at the old man and started choking  him and his dad had to drag him off and I was just beyond shocked, shaken,and horrified,  and at that moment I knew I had made a big mistake(but it was already too late)and that was a side of him I'd never seen before and I was worried what if one day he'd direct that violence towards the baby or myself? Even over 3 decades late I still never forgot it and I'm sure his uncle never did,either.They called him Blackie too but not for the way you might think(and no, it's nothing racist like it might sound) but because he owned a machinest factory( like tool & die) in Gatineau(which is where, in fact, my hubby was working when I met him.) and he was nice and I liked him,and even though he had $$$ he wasn't pretentious.

This is also my other new soft cozy PJ, and the other one it said Canadiana on the label.....but then right below it it also said Made in Cambodia which I found funny, and one of my cousins in Europe( who is an avid cyclist) fell off his bike an broke a couple of ribs( ouch!) and I remember before he also bruised a kidney and was peeing blood and he always wears a helmet but that only protects his head but not the rest  of him, and my head is soooo long  too if you turned it sideways you could use it as a football!

I also came across this old photo of Buddy when we first got him, when he was 8 years old and I was shocked as I had forgotten how young , and vibrant and bright he used to look and how shiny and dark his coat used to be! Now he's almost 17 ( in Feb.) and he's lost alot of his fur and what's left has now faded to a very light red but mostly white and he no longer tears around the house running around like a madman; now he limps along slowly and painfully and mostly just sleeps pretty much 23 hours a day.I also plugged the hole in his face to stop the bleeding but it just found some other way as this morning at 5 am he was whimpering to wake me up telling me and I turned on the light and saw he was bleeding again, only this time it was all above his eye extending to the top of his head, so I guess it just comes out whatever exit it can find; the path of least resistance. The 28 YR old also decided now he's going to buy a pair of Gucci shoes....assuming that those aren't illegal in this shithole,too...

"You will live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." ~ Nikola Tesla


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