Tuesday, November 15, 2022

New Grass!

We have grass! Yesterday the construction crew did the last job and laid down sod and just in time too; overnight tonight and tomorrow we're getting our first snow; they say 6-8 cm! They had guys laying it down in every yard on the street at the same time and they were cutting off strips of it to fit and it reminded me of when we had our carpets installed.I just hope it's not already too cold and the ground too frozen for the roots to "take" and that it won't die over the winter. When I told ther 28 YR old We have new grass! at first he thought I meant weed,too, and I also saw 2 big bottles of hard liquor in his room as well and he said he even paid a whopping 98$ for just one bottle,too( he likes to live large!) and it worries me he might have a drinking problem(why is our family so f*cked up?), esp. since yesterday he said he thinks he might have had a "blackout" and those are caused by either a head injury or alcoholism and I don't know where he "got" it from though( must be influence of the world) because neither me, my hubby, or my mother drink at all, not even a drop.I just hope he only drinks on his days off; he has a good job now and I doin't want him to get his stupid ass fired again. I think I worry even more now about the kids as adults  than I did when they were little! I also remember as well when he was small he used to call eggnog chicken milk likely due to the French translation lait de poule or  milk of chicken. Of all the kids he's always been the funniest and the one to make me laugh.

Yesterday I also got this reaaly baaad pain in my jaw on the right side that seized it up so I couldn't even move it and sharp pain that radiated up to my ear and had it been on the left jaw I would worry could be a sign of impending heart-attack but since it was on the right side it must just be something else, and my usual worsening stomach, back, and abdomenal pain plus I was also nauseated yesterday morning as well and still feel like I have a "lump" in my throat. and the lump above my belly-button feels like a hard rubber ball I can bounce my fingers off and I feel like an old broken down jalopy. I need an overhaul! Now it's also so cold out I have to wear a coat, hat,and mitts when I go outside to smoke weed, and my mother was struggling to put on her pants and was utterly confused and stumped....and then realized it was actually her shirt she was trying to put on as pants (I asked her, Have you been smoking my weed?) and I saw a shooting star the other day as well and made a wish but I can't say what it was or else it might not come true. Buddy also hasn't bled since early Sunday but it lasted for 4 days or so.

I can also still remember as well when I was a kid I got a bullseye in archery at camp and won First Prize( very rare for me and I was more shocked than anyone) and the other kids were mad and tried to take the ribbon away from me and give it to the popular girl but fortunately the councellors wouldn't let them and a boy named Robbie also bet me a quarter( which went a long way back in the 70's; probably like 5$ or so worth today; you could buy alot of candy with that back then) I wouldn't eat a red ant so I did and it was sooo gross and so bitter  and left a very bitter after-taste,too, and one time in school I also picked up what I mistakenly thought was a chocolate nugget off the hallway floor.and ate it....but actually ended up being a shit ....and let me tell you that shit tastes exactly how it smells and also very bitter and the only way I could have possibly been any uglier-looking as a kid would be if I had glasses or braces.(I actually needed braces but my mother didn't believe in spending $$$ on "cosmetic" things like that) and now this country arrogantly thinks it's trying to "punish" diplomats and others from Iran and Russia by banning them from entering the country, as if that's any kind of "punishment" at all, and who says that they even want to come  to this shithole,anyway, and before they used COVID and You don't want to kill Grandma, do you? as a scare tactic to coerce the sheeple into obedience and compliance into mask-wearing and other restrictions and lockdowns,etc. and now this year the new thing is You don't want to kill the kids with RSV, do you? Control thru fear; a common psychological war and Psy-Ops tactic.
F*ck you. I will NOT comply. I will NOT obey.

The only thing masks are good for are compliance.-Theo Fleury


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