Friday, November 4, 2022

On Strike.

Today school educational support staff are on a strike, now deemed by the gov't as an "illegal" strike even though they DO have the legal right to strike. here's what happened:
Educational support workers( not the actual teachers but the custodians, ECE's, teacher's aides, etc.) demanded a pay increase of a whopping 11% (which I just think is just greedy esp. with the recession)claiming they can't make a living on "only 39 K  YR" even though to many people that's still considered a pretty good salary and people in the education sector have the best benefits and pension plans and no one else ever gets a raise of 11 %(and like my hubby said, I wish I could get an 11% raise!) so the gov't offered them a 2% raise which they refused and they threatened to go on strike so they had negotiations to try and talk it out and come to a deal but they were so far apart a mediator was called in but it still go nowhere and the strike date was looming so the gov't threatened to invoke the Notwithstanding Clause which is basically just a fancy gov't way of over-riding the Charter of rights and freedoms to squash the people's rights and freedoms, making it illegal for them to strike even though it's normally legal for them to do so, saying that kids missing 2 years of in-class learning due to the COVID Scamdemic was harmful to them academically, socially, and psychologically(yet whose fault was that? The gov't! They were the ones that over-reacted with the Scamdemic and locked everyone down!) and the gov't will do whatever it takes to keep them in class......
and so.....
Then the gov't counter-offered a compromise: a 6% salary increase(which seems fair)....and yet the union still rejected it, and so the gov't invoked the clause( sort of like how they enacted the Emergencies Act during the Freedom Convoy protests to squash the people's right to protest the COVID mandates and restrictions, basically imposing Martial Law and over-riding the law) and I can see how they're tired of the teachers always going on strike(I'm sooo glad that we've always homeschooled and don't have to ever worry about this shit) only this time it's NOT the teachers, but the support staff, but what I don't agree with (and never will, not only as a Marxist but as someone who abhors Big brother gov't overreach) is the gov't using heavy-handed Fascist tactics to steamroll over people's rights and freedoms such as protesting and striking. I just love it too how when the people rise up and defy and stand up to the oppressive gov't and the shit hits the fan and it will be interesting to see how this all plays out and how long the strike lasts and to see who will "cave" first. The parents and society in general support is behind the workers and NOT the gov't and I dare to hope that people are finally starting to wake up and finally see that this shithole for what it really is.
First they came for the unvaccinated.
Now they came for the educational support workers.
WHO will they come for next?
As well, I was right: just like I figured he would; my hubby ruined my art, my handicraft, my inscription of f*ck on the fresh cement. I think he must have been sent by the Prince of Darkness himself Satan to ruin everything for me. Someone from a collection agency also called here yesterday for the 21 YR old; apparantly she owes a debt on some credit card she totally forgot about and they're hunting her down! She's always  been really bad at not only saving $$$$ but also over-spending and going into debt. She's the kind of person that really shouldn't even have a credit card and should only pay in cash!

She's a restless spirit on an endless flight.-Eagles


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