Sunday, November 6, 2022


While the mindless robots all wear red poppies this month to glorify the veterans and present-day military glorifying war I refuse, refusing to support the war machine and the only poppy I would wear would be the White Poppy For Peace, as shown here, but it's only available in the UK. I';ve never seen them here. I am only for peace and not war. I do NOT support, endorse, encourage, or glorify invading other counrties, killing their citizens, taking over their land, stealing their resources, etc.and when Remembrance Day rolls around every year and everyone is fawning over the military and the fallen soldiers I'm thinking of and praying for all the innocent civilians. Yesterday I also yelled f*cker! at my piece-of-shit computer which was slower than Jesus' Second Coming(again!) and Buddy(who was curled up in a chair beside me) thought I was talking to him and he lifted up his head and looked at me and I felt so badly and reassured him, Nooooo! Not you! You're NOT a 'f*cker!' I was talking to my computer!  I also bought 2 more scented candles: pina colada( coconut/pineapple scent) and French Toast scent, and got most of my Christmas shopping done already as well( before the crowds; I hate people) and my hubby is easy to buy for as he likes chess and anything Spider-Man, and the 15 YR old likes Super Mario and MineCraft, the 28 YR old likes chess, exotic teas, candles, incense,and my mother likes anything cozy, warm, and practical,and as for me, I like hippos, sunflowers, and weed!(hint, hint, ha, ha!)I don't spend too much on them though as my family are just ingrates,anyway, like when I brought them back souvenirs from Jamaica; the 28, 21, and 19 YR olds never even wore what I brought back for them even once, so why waste my $$$?

The 28 YR old also said all of his clients are sooo ultra-rich that they all have the standard nannies, butler, etc. but he's not impressed; not after seeing a friend of his ex-GF 's parents in California's house; her father is in the music industry and this guy's house literally took up half a cliffside and he even had his own helicopter and heliport and had a Ferrari collection and owned every Ferrari model ever made! he also said he doesn't envy the ulta-rich ,either; they may be faboulsly rich but they're NOT happy and don't have peace; they always seem so stressed and worried that someone will either steal what they have, or kidnap their kids, and their wives are ultra- Karens, and they have so much staff in their homes( maids, nannies, etc.) to oversee it's like running a business in their home so even their home isn't a peaceful place to just come to and relax  and unwind. he says he feels sorry for them actually and never wants to be that rich that he's unhappy like that. He also said he's ordering a pair of classy 350$ Italian shoes, which is way more than I've ever paid for footwear( shoes or boots) and I'm female( the most I ever paid was over 200$ for my fur mukkluks) and he's even thinking of getting tacky crocodile shoes as well even though it'll make him look like a pimp, a gigolo,drug cartel kingpin, or a casino owner. .He also shocked me saying today's "modern" dating you have sex first (that's how you get to know eachother) and then start dating if you're compatable(and his idea of a "successful" date is if he gets laid! What a pig!), whereas I've always believed that ideally you only do IT with your husband or wife, or at the very least with someone you know very well; at least several months, if not years,and have a deep,comitted relationship with, and it's NOT something that you do casually ,with alot of people,or with strangers. I sure hope he's joking because that's just nasty, gross, and immoral.It's the most intimate,personal, and vulnerable part of you. For God's sake, have some self respect!

I also figure the main differences between the 3 main religions is they all share worship of the One True God ( as opposed to mayb false gods or pagan gods) but Christinity you also have to convince yourself that Jesus is also God incarnate and God's Son(complicated, I know) and worship Him as divine who also came to save people from their sins(as opposed to everyone being responsible for their own sins)whereas Islam recognizes Jesus as a major prophet sent from God but NOT God Himself or His Son but you have to be convinced that Mohammed was a prophet, despite him marrying a 6 YR old girl and taking his adopted son's wife and other questionable things regarding women( although in all fairness the same exixts in the Bible,too) and Judaism outright rejects Jesus altogether; He's irelevant.Muslims and Jews also don't worship their prophets(Mohammed, Moses, Abraham,etc.), only God.

But you better not complain, boy You get in trouble with the man.-Creedence Clearwater Revival


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