Monday, November 7, 2022

Re-Post: 3 Years Ago Today.

Surgery All Done!

I had my surgery today and I now have 3 less body parts. I really didn't think I'd be up to sitting here posting about it so soon but it really doesn't hurt that much, at least not yet, which is surprising as even though I have been told I do have a high pain tolerance(plus I’m a tough old bird) when I had my gallbladder removed the pain was brutal!This time it just feels like some twinges and like when you're really constipated and it feels like I really have to shit even though I don't and the worst is the lower back pain, and the sore throat(and I have a hoarse voice too) from the breathing tube. They gave me Fentanyl in the OR for pain control but nothing since and I never got a prescription for anything; they just said to take Tylenol, and I always have my trusty weed if I need it. I also woke up speaking German apparantly and with 3 IV's even though when I went in I only had one and when I asked the nurses about it they had no idea. I also wore my marijuana socks into surgery(my feet always get cold and it's always freezing cold in the OR too which it was; so much so I was even shivering and my teeth were chattering) to make the OR team's day and this time as they prep you as you wait (draw blood, put in the IV, go over your chart, ask the same questions over and over,etc.) you just sit in a recliner chair the whole time too and NOT a bed like they used to have; I guess due to shortage of hospital beds( and it sucked and I think that's why my back is so bad) so what next? A mattress on the floor, or what?

I was also slow waking up and spent the same amount of time in the recovery room as I did in the OR and they told me I'd better hurry up and wake up "better" or I wouldn't be going home today and would have to stay overnight (I ended up leaving 3 1/2 hours after) but I guess I was tired and when I woke up and mentioned the kids; that I have 11, the nurse actually thought I was delusional with the after-effects of the drugs and didn't believe me! My BP was high as well 159/ 90 and I'm pretty sure the person at registration was one of those transgender people too: at first I thought maybe a manly-looking girl with the long curled hair and I kept playing the guessing game back and forth in my head, just curious....but then a closer look I could see the shadow/stubble of a moustache growing in and an Adams Apple so I figured, OK, it's a dude. I'm also not supposed to lift anything over 10 pounds for 6 weeks either but Buddy weighs 13 pounds (last time I checked but he's porked up since then so he's probably more like 15 now) and I still have to pick him up as his short stubby little legs he can't jump on the bed on his own. The kids were also supposed to help out and take him out to pee while I was gone,too,and I even left instructions and times but they never did and I found out the poor dog had to "hold" it from when I'd last taken him out at 5:30 am until I got home at 3:30 pm and opened the door and let him out the back. to help out and take him out to pee while I was gone,too,and I even left instructions and times but they never did and I found out the poor dog had to "hold" it from when I'd last taken him out at 5:30 am until I got home at 3:30 pm and opened the door and let him out the back."Thanks" alot guys for nothing.None of the out-of-town/out-of-province kids even cared enough to phone me and see how it went and how I was either, yet when my mother fell and just bruised her knee they called her, and I just had major abdomenal surgery and no one gives a shit and it and no one gives a shit and it really hurts.My family SUCKS. I never even got flowers or a cheery balloon or anything ,either, no get-well wishes, nothing.Even when I came home none of the kids bothered to come over and see how I was. No one gives a f*ck. My mother did get me a card though but she's a card fanatic and always gets cards for every occassion though but at least it was something.

Buddy is also even more protective and defending of me today than usual, like he can "sense" something's wrong and I'm not well and he stays by my side constantly as I lay in bed and he's always licking me and whining, bless his little heart. He's a good "nurse" and takes good care of me and unlike my mother who was bedridden(I also make sure I get up and walk a bit to avoid pneumonia and blood clots) and demanded everyone wait on her hand-and-foot ( even carrying her to the bathroom and bringing her food, drinks, everything,etc.) like she was Royalty(she really took advantage of it) for 3 weeks just because she bruised her knee, I'm not being a burden on anyone and I try to do everything myself(not that they'd likely care or help me,anyway; they'd just call me lazy like they always do); I get up on my own to go to the bathroom and get my own blanket and drinks, for example, and I'm not really that hungry anyway. I was at first after not eating for 15 HRS (it reminds me of the 80's movie Gremlins , how you can't feed them after Midnight, ha,ha) and I had a donut in the recovery room and stopped off at McDonald's drive-thru on the way home to feed my fat face with a Big Mac but my throat hurts and my mouth's so dry it's hard to eat so I could only eat half and I saved the other half for later. They also said they "scoped" my bladder ( and I got these pills to illuminate it during the procedure too so now I pee a combo of flourescent bright red and orange and it reminds me of Kool-Aid and probably glows in the dark) and said it looked fine, so the blood in the urine wasn't from there, so it must be from my kidneys...


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Pondering For Today.