Thursday, November 24, 2022


The other day it was revealed to me by either the Holy Spirit or my inner consciousness that I am a starseed, that is, an enlightened spiritual old soul that has incarnated many times before and my purpose is to be a warrior, but not physical but rather spiritually, and every crisis, struggle, trauma, etc. I 've had to endure was a battle that I have fought and won, that has brought me closer to God, and I'm not some kind of "prophet" or anything like that; but everyone has a purpose and the universe needs each one of us or else we wouldn't be here. At first I had no idea what a starseed even was; I'd never even heard of it, so I did some research like I always do and I was completely blown away and it describes me perfectly. Interestingly, I also discovered that autistics are often starseeds.I came across this here by Alycia Wicker and I swear it was as if she was describing me:Sorry about the format but it wouldn't let me copy the normal way and this was the only way I could do it.

Signs you are a starseed:

"You were born to stand out, stop trying to fit in.

Early on, you were deemed to be a "space cadet." As a kid, people called you out at weird, different, odd - whatever adjective they chose to let you know that you're not like the rest. (Thank GOD!)

You're a wisdom seeker. Always looking to answer those deep questions like "what's the meaning of life?" "Why am I here?" "Why is the word abbreviation so long?" You know those questions that keep you up and make your mind feel like it always has 900 browser tabs open.

You feel like you don't belong here. No matter where 'here' is, you feel like you're always a tourist no matter where you are, but find glimmers of belonging when you encounter like-minded souls who feel the same way.

At times, you can become agoraphobic because going out in the world can be too much in terms of energy, negativity, and disappointed with what we see happening in the world. You will have to force yourself to integrate into society, but always do it on your terms, and along the way, you'll find your community.

You are very intuitive and psychic. Nothing gets by you, and you can spot a phony from a mile away. You've got a way of knowing things that others don't. Sometimes you'll get tagged as a know-it-all or judgemental is you peg a person as a bad seed before they've revealed their real side to the world.

Your empathy can be crippling. You're so empathic that you need to limit your time in crowds or at parties. At a party, you might be the person who seeks out the dog or cat to hang out with because you get each other.

Animals and babies are drawn to you. You find that when there's a baby that seems not to like anyone else at a party, they love you. They know you get it (or at least are on the path to getting it), and because they've recently seen the face of God, they see someone in you that is also connected to the Divine. Animals trust you, and you may find that you're the best damn animal massage therapist that animal has ever met.

You're the epitome of "Mystery Diagnosis." Ever go to the doctor with a complaint and left them confused? They have you take all the tests that they have, and still, they're unable to figure out why you're cold all the time or days of extreme fatigue when you've done nothing to be exhausted over. Maybe it's the random heart palpitations as your heart chakra is rebalancing or the tingling in your hands and feet as your energy continues to align. Memory lapses and headaches happen out of the blue as your crown chakra continues to open. Of course, it should go without saying, see a doctor to make sure you don't have any serious issues going on before you decide you're a Starseed having a Starseed experience. 

You're spiritual. Beyond the constraints of religion and orthodoxy, you are eager to learn as much as you can about spirituality and your spiritual path. The path your parents laid out didn't jive with you, so as you become an adult, you've been on a lifelong journey to find out the mysteries of the universe. Which at times has left you with some guilt and shame in regards to learning about that which many would label as outside the lines of traditional religion and inching towards the occult and New Age.

Hidden knowledge + mysteries of the world are your jam. From the Pyramids and the Bermuda Triangle to aliens and ghosts, you're beyond intrigued. It leads you on to ley lines, energy, portals, Atlantis, quantum physics, psychic abilities, astrology, numerology, tarot, and the list goes on. You can't get enough, and you'll never get enough because you have an idea that what's being taught on Earth is a sanitized version of history, and they've got to be hiding something. Right?

Paranormal is normal. You've had an experience with spirits for awhile. Maybe you had these experiences and then shut off your abilities after an experience, or the experiences have never stopped.

If Metaphysics was a topic in high school, you'd been in the Honors class. Once you found metaphysics, or you're new to it, you feel like you've stumbled upon the key you've been looking for in helping you to answer those questions you've been asking all your life. And while I don't think we're ever supposed to uncover all the mysteries of life, you feel like metaphysics makes so much sense that you can't understand when others who don't know a thing about it are quick to dismiss it.

Old Soul in aisle one. People instinctively spill their secrets to you and seek your advice to make them feel better. They may be older than you, but they just know that you'll be able to help. Because you're always seeking the knowledge, you always had some excellent advice to share that can help others when it comes to substantial issues.

Petty bullshit annoys you to no end. People that get upset about the dumbest things in life bother you. They think you're aloof and believe you are better than everyone else. While you shake your head, wondering why they don't seek more profound meaning and invest time in self-improvement. You live beyond the 3D muggle world and find yourself having an aversion to being concerned with the materialistic part of life that so many others are enamored with.

You know you've got a big purpose, but struggle to identify it. I get it; here you are dropped on this planet, become an adult, and know that you're here for more, but what exactly? Discovering what your purpose will require you to lose your ego, tune into God, and forget everything you've been taught here to see your true path.

You're more rock 'n' roll than others. And by that, I don't mean necessarily that you love rock music as much as you genuinely have a hard time with authority, whether it's your boss, the government, society, whoever. You value freedom so much because being enslaved to anything, or anyone goes against what you believe in.

Holistic could be your middle name. You will look for any natural remedy that you can find because you know natural healing isn't a fad. You've seen how alternate healing modalities have improved your life.

Many friends are acquaintances. There are very few that genuinely get you or ever see the whole you. You develop a deep bond with very few here.

You love being of service to others. It's the reason why you're here, after all. Helping others is something you find yourself doing all of the time, even if you know that it may not be in your best interest finding yourself at times being taken advantage of by the takers of this world.

You see repeating numbers. Those repeating numbers, also known as angel numbers, show up when you're beginning to have a spiritual awakening. The more that you pay attention to these numbers, you'll be able to discern what it means for your life. As you take the right steps aligning with your purpose, see these numbers as affirmations or new clues of what to pay attention to.

Early on, you were deemed to b

Just like anything on the internet, when you go through and try to figure out something, you will find a bunch of different signs of what it means to be a Starseed. For me? Some of it is just a bit too out there for even me to latch on to. So I will share with you the signs that make sense to me and ask you to keep what resonates and discard what doesn't. Because if we're being honest, there's no handbook for this stuff.

Early on, you were deemed to be a "space cadet." As a kid, people called you out at weird, different, odd - whatever adjective they chose to let you know that you're not like the rest. (Thank GOD!)

You're a wisdom seeker. Always looking to answer those deep questions like "what's the meaning of life?" "Why am I here?" "Why is the word abbreviation so long?" You know those questions that keep you up and make your mind feel like it always has 900 browser tabs open.

You feel like you don't belong here. No matter where 'here' is, you feel like you're always a tourist no matter where you are, but find glimmers of belonging when you encounter like-minded souls who feel the same way.

At times, you can become agoraphobic because going out in the world can be too much in terms of energy, negativity, and disappointed with what we see happening in the world. You will have to force yourself to integrate into society, but always do it on your terms, and along the way, you'll find your community.

You are very intuitive and psychic. Nothing gets by you, and you can spot a phony from a mile away. You've got a way of knowing things that others don't. Sometimes you'll get tagged as a know-it-all or judgemental is you peg a person as a bad seed before they've revealed their real side to the world.

Your empathy can be crippling. You're so empathic that you need to limit your time in crowds or at parties. At a party, you might be the person who seeks out the dog or cat to hang out with because you get each other.

Animals and babies are drawn to you. You find that when there's a baby that seems not to like anyone else at a party, they love you. They know you get it (or at least are on the path to getting it), and because they've recently seen the face of God, they see someone in you that is also connected to the Divine. Animals trust you, and you may find that you're the best damn animal massage therapist that animal has ever met.

You're the epitome of "Mystery Diagnosis." Ever go to the doctor with a complaint and left them confused? They have you take all the tests that they have, and still, they're unable to figure out why you're cold all the time or days of extreme fatigue when you've done nothing to be exhausted over. Maybe it's the random heart palpitations as your heart chakra is rebalancing or the tingling in your hands and feet as your energy continues to align. Memory lapses and headaches happen out of the blue as your crown chakra continues to open. Of course, it should go without saying, see a doctor to make sure you don't have any serious issues going on before you decide you're a Starseed having a Starseed experience. 

You're spiritual. Beyond the constraints of religion and orthodoxy, you are eager to learn as much as you can about spirituality and your spiritual path. The path your parents laid out didn't jive with you, so as you become an adult, you've been on a lifelong journey to find out the mysteries of the universe. Which at times has left you with some guilt and shame in regards to learning about that which many would label as outside the lines of traditional religion and inching towards the occult and New Age.

Hidden knowledge + mysteries of the world are your jam. From the Pyramids and the Bermuda Triangle to aliens and ghosts, you're beyond intrigued. It leads you on to ley lines, energy, portals, Atlantis, quantum physics, psychic abilities, astrology, numerology, tarot, and the list goes on. You can't get enough, and you'll never get enough because you have an idea that what's being taught on Earth is a sanitized version of history, and they've got to be hiding something. Right?

Paranormal is normal. You've had an experience with spirits for awhile. Maybe you had these experiences and then shut off your abilities after an experience, or the experiences have never stopped.

If Metaphysics was a topic in high school, you'd been in the Honors class. Once you found metaphysics, or you're new to it, you feel like you've stumbled upon the key you've been looking for in helping you to answer those questions you've been asking all your life. And while I don't think we're ever supposed to uncover all the mysteries of life, you feel like metaphysics makes so much sense that you can't understand when others who don't know a thing about it are quick to dismiss it.

Old Soul in aisle one. People instinctively spill their secrets to you and seek your advice to make them feel better. They may be older than you, but they just know that you'll be able to help. Because you're always seeking the knowledge, you always had some excellent advice to share that can help others when it comes to substantial issues.

Petty bullshit annoys you to no end. People that get upset about the dumbest things in life bother you. They think you're aloof and believe you are better than everyone else. While you shake your head, wondering why they don't seek more profound meaning and invest time in self-improvement. You live beyond the 3D muggle world and find yourself having an aversion to being concerned with the materialistic part of life that so many others are enamored with.

You know you've got a big purpose, but struggle to identify it. I get it; here you are dropped on this planet, become an adult, and know that you're here for more, but what exactly? Discovering what your purpose will require you to lose your ego, tune into God, and forget everything you've been taught here to see your true path.

You're more rock 'n' roll than others. And by that, I don't mean necessarily that you love rock music as much as you genuinely have a hard time with authority, whether it's your boss, the government, society, whoever. You value freedom so much because being enslaved to anything, or anyone goes against what you believe in.

Holistic could be your middle name. You will look for any natural remedy that you can find because you know natural healing isn't a fad. You've seen how alternate healing modalities have improved your life.

Many friends are acquaintances. There are very few that genuinely get you or ever see the whole you. You develop a deep bond with very few here.

You love being of service to others. It's the reason why you're here, after all. Helping others is something you find yourself doing all of the time, even if you know that it may not be in your best interest finding yourself at times being taken advantage of by the takers of this world.

You see repeating numbers. Those repeating numbers, also known as angel numbers, show up when you're beginning to have a spiritual awakening. The more that you pay attention to these numbers, you'll be able to discern what it means for your life. As you take the right steps aligning with your purpose, see these numbers as affirmations or new clues of what to pay attention to.e a "space cadet." As a kid, people called you out at weird, different, odd - whatever adjective they chose to let you know that you're not like the rest. (Thank GOD!)

You're a wisdom seeker. Always looking to answer those deep questions like "what's the meaning of life?" "Why am I here?" "Why is the word abbreviation so long?" You know those questions that keep you up and make your mind feel like it always has 900 browser tabs open.

You feel like you don't belong here. No matter where 'here' is, you feel like you're always a tourist no matter where you are, but find glimmers of belonging when you encounter like-minded souls who feel the same way.

At times, you can become agoraphobic because going out in the world can be too much in terms of energy, negativity, and disappointed with what we see happening in the world. You will have to force yourself to integrate into society, but always do it on your terms, and along the way, you'll find your community.

You are very intuitive and psychic. Nothing gets by you, and you can spot a phony from a mile away. You've got a way of knowing things that others don't. Sometimes you'll get tagged as a know-it-all or judgemental is you peg a person as a bad seed before they've revealed their real side to the world.

Your empathy can be crippling. You're so empathic that you need to limit your time in crowds or at parties. At a party, you might be the person who seeks out the dog or cat to hang out with because you get each other.

Animals and babies are drawn to you. You find that when there's a baby that seems not to like anyone else at a party, they love you. They know you get it (or at least are on the path to getting it), and because they've recently seen the face of God, they see someone in you that is also connected to the Divine. Animals trust you, and you may find that you're the best damn animal massage therapist that animal has ever met.

You're the epitome of "Mystery Diagnosis." Ever go to the doctor with a complaint and left them confused? They have you take all the tests that they have, and still, they're unable to figure out why you're cold all the time or days of extreme fatigue when you've done nothing to be exhausted over. Maybe it's the random heart palpitations as your heart chakra is rebalancing or the tingling in your hands and feet as your energy continues to align. Memory lapses and headaches happen out of the blue as your crown chakra continues to open. Of course, it should go without saying, see a doctor to make sure you don't have any serious issues going on before you decide you're a Starseed having a Starseed experience. 

You're spiritual. Beyond the constraints of religion and orthodoxy, you are eager to learn as much as you can about spirituality and your spiritual path. The path your parents laid out didn't jive with you, so as you become an adult, you've been on a lifelong journey to find out the mysteries of the universe. Which at times has left you with some guilt and shame in regards to learning about that which many would label as outside the lines of traditional religion and inching towards the occult and New Age.

Hidden knowledge + mysteries of the world are your jam. From the Pyramids and the Bermuda Triangle to aliens and ghosts, you're beyond intrigued. It leads you on to ley lines, energy, portals, Atlantis, quantum physics, psychic abilities, astrology, numerology, tarot, and the list goes on. You can't get enough, and you'll never get enough because you have an idea that what's being taught on Earth is a sanitized version of history, and they've got to be hiding something. Right?

Paranormal is normal. You've had an experience with spirits for awhile. Maybe you had these experiences and then shut off your abilities after an experience, or the experiences have never stopped.

If Metaphysics was a topic in high school, you'd been in the Honors class. Once you found metaphysics, or you're new to it, you feel like you've stumbled upon the key you've been looking for in helping you to answer those questions you've been asking all your life. And while I don't think we're ever supposed to uncover all the mysteries of life, you feel like metaphysics makes so much sense that you can't understand when others who don't know a thing about it are quick to dismiss it.

Old Soul in aisle one. People instinctively spill their secrets to you and seek your advice to make them feel better. They may be older than you, but they just know that you'll be able to help. Because you're always seeking the knowledge, you always had some excellent advice to share that can help others when it comes to substantial issues.

Petty bullshit annoys you to no end. People that get upset about the dumbest things in life bother you. They think you're aloof and believe you are better than everyone else. While you shake your head, wondering why they don't seek more profound meaning and invest time in self-improvement. You live beyond the 3D muggle world and find yourself having an aversion to being concerned with the materialistic part of life that so many others are enamored with.

You know you've got a big purpose, but struggle to identify it. I get it; here you are dropped on this planet, become an adult, and know that you're here for more, but what exactly? Discovering what your purpose will require you to lose your ego, tune into God, and forget everything you've been taught here to see your true path.

You're more rock 'n' roll than others. And by that, I don't mean necessarily that you love rock music as much as you genuinely have a hard time with authority, whether it's your boss, the government, society, whoever. You value freedom so much because being enslaved to anything, or anyone goes against what you believe in.

Holistic could be your middle name. You will look for any natural remedy that you can find because you know natural healing isn't a fad. You've seen how alternate healing modalities have improved your life.

Many friends are acquaintances. There are very few that genuinely get you or ever see the whole you. You develop a deep bond with very few here.

You love being of service to others. It's the reason why you're here, after all. Helping others is something you find yourself doing all of the time, even if you know that it may not be in your best interest finding yourself at times being taken advantage of by the takers of this world.

You see repeating numbers. Those repeating numbers, also known as angel numbers, show up when you're beginning to have a spiritual awakening. The more that you pay attention to these numbers, you'll be able to discern what it means for your life. As you take the right steps aligning with your purpose, see these numbers as affirmations or new clues of what to pay attention to.


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Thought For The Day.