Tuesday, November 22, 2022

The Arby's Mitt.

He's done it yet again, just like he does every year; my hubby put the Arby's mitt on top of the Christmas tree instead of the star! I think it's just the tackiest thing ever( not to mention disrespectful and blasphemous) so as always I took it off and then he puts it back on and I take it off and so on and so on it goes. He says it's "tradition" but I think it's just stupid. Yesterday the construction crew was also back  and a guy came to the door and told him to move the car as they'll be re-paving the road( even with all the snow and we must have got 15 cm or snow!) which surprised me  and I wondered how they'd be doing that but they cleared away all of the snow with a bulldozer and yesterday it was mild and got up to 5 C and will be up to 7 C( and maybe even rain) all this week so maybe they had to wait for it to be( and stay) above 0C for a few days so it's not frozen for the asphalt to "set?" Maybe today they;ll be doing it, perhaps? I was surprised though and thought they were done although they did still leave a few of the pylons/road cones behind. It's also really hard to light your bong or spliff with the strong gusty wind out there though, trying to get a light that the wind keeps on blowing out!

Here is my Sweet Boy, and you can't see his tail as he was wagging it so fast and the poor boy hasn't really shit in 3 days either( other than a couple of small butt-nuggets) even though he does try  so he must be really constipated with a bad log-jam I just hope he doesn't have an obstruction or something and I even gave him "laxative" foods  and anal massage to try and help "move" him along but I might have to give him an enema next if he doesn't go today as he must be soooo plugged up, and my stomach pain is still sooo bad now it's the worst it's ever been and I wonder if it's actually coming from my stomach or maybe even my liver or pancreas, all of which are located in the same area, but whatever it is it's really bad I can hardly bear it for much longer and the 15 YR old killed his badminton racket as well and it had to be re-strung and I didn't even know that was a thing; I just thought if it broke you bought a new one but it's like a guitar or violin; you just get new strings and that boy has alot of anger inside him( what did he hit, a tennis ball? it's just a birdie, or as the British call it, a shuttlecock, which always makes me laugh, you know, because I'm immature and have a dirty mind like that) so maybe he needs to let it out with something a bit more "physical" than badminton, something like karate or boxing maybe?

This is also the most revolting thing I've seen all week: Christmas dinner in a can; it has turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, cranberry, mince, Brussel Sprouts, broccoli, carrots, parsnips, and pudding......all squished together in a can! ewwwwww!!! my god, that's just nasty, not to mention redneck! Who would even eat that? I wouldn't even give that to my dog! That's just gross! Toronto also won the football thing and I can still remember back when I was in highschool they did then as well and every now and then someone would randomly yell out in the hallway Argooooos!!!  and then someone else would as well and it was pretty funny actually(even though I couldn't care less about football) and now USA(naturally) is leading a UN petition to limit North Korea's nuclear missile testing and capabilities(just like they do with Iran, China,and Russia; all the ones that they don't like) even though they themselves and their allies do, and who made them  the policeman of the world,anyway? I just can't believe the sheer arrogance of them (and of the West in general) when North Korea is just preparing in case of a possible attack, no different than anyone else.

People start hating you when they cannot control you.

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