Sunday, January 1, 2023

Bonne Année!

Happy New Year!
What did I do on NYE? We had Chinese food(my fortune cookie also said I'm going to "find romance". Yeah....right, like that's ever going to happen!!), which is good we called at Noon as soon as they opened as it took an hour to get thru....and then the food wasn't even ready until after 8 pm! Holy f*cking shit! Then I ate and went to bed and woke up at 1 am and realized it was a new year and rolled over and kissed Buddy and wished him a Happy New Year.The 28 YR old also went out and got his dumb ass drunk (at least it was classy though with champagne and not beer or whiskey)and I woke up this morning wondering where the garbage can in the bathroom went and then heard him wretching and violently barfing! He said it was "food poisoning" but I know better. That's what I just don't "get"; why people do that to themselves and feel so awful with a throbbing headache and barfing their guts out; just smoke weed and you don't get any of those nasty side-effects or possibly even die from alcohol poisoning. People can just be so stupid! 

Yesterday I also took down both the indoor Christmas decor and tree and I had a feeling of accomplishment even though I also almost passed-out as well and the tinsel was wrapped around the botton and got stuck and I tried but just couldn't get the last bit off so I asked my hubby for help and he was annoyed as always and said whenever I "speak I expect him to 'jump'" and it's not like that, it's just when I'm doing something and I need help I need help right away and not in a few hours and I also said if he doesn't want to take down the outdoor lights today( as it's really tacky if you leave them up past New Years)  as I don't care who does it just as lo0ng as it gets done then I'll just do it instead(even though he has the time; he's still off until Wednesday) and then he flew into a rage screaming at me NOT to; that I do it "wrong" and "ruin" it, breaking them and tangling them all up, etc. but at least I try to help but it's still never good enough and then he threatened me if I do then he'll never pick up my pills again or fix the TV or computer for me, etc. He's so controlling  and I can't wait until the 28 YR old gets his license and then he can do some of the driving too and my hubby won't be able to "hold" that "over" me anymore and I won't need his help anymore  and as for the medication I can always just have the pharmacy deliver it. He's NOT going to threaten, control, or blackmail me like that! He hates helping me,too, but when you're smart like he is he has sort of an "obligation" to help dumb people(like me) and it's just a burden he must bear.

Tuesday we're also supposed to get 35 mm more yucky rain like we got yesterday and the snow melted so much you can see the grass now,too, and I never even bothered to tell my family about my most recent suicide attempt either because they don't care anyway, and my hubby said for the new year he has over 350 computer passwords he had to change as well and I don't know how he'd remember  so many; I just always use the same one for everything and I have a hard enough time even remembering that! Life is hard when you're stupid.Last year sucked(as always) so I hope this year will be better but I seriously doubt it. Hope for the best but expect the worst.

I've never been much of a joiner. I prefer to just do my own thing.


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