Yesterday we had lots of rain(luckily it turned to snow overnight and today) and it was wet and muddy outside(I slipped in the mud and almost fell) and when Buddy came back inside the house after being out the backyard to do his business he'd tracked thru a bunch of muddy paw-prints all thru the kitchen floor but luckily his feet had all dried off before he reached the carpet and let's just say he's lucky that I love him so much and the 28 YR old saw the prints on the floor and thought they were cute, which I have to admit they are, and one day the sad day will come when he won't be here anymore and the paw-prints will be gone and I'll miss them. I also noticed his fur is starting to slowly grow back in now as well; lots had fallen out and he had alot of bald patches but now "peach fuzz' fur is starting to grow back in so whatever it was must have resolved on it's own. He has cataracts on his eyes now as well but at his age( he turns 17 next month) I wouldn't risk surgery as he'd probably die from the anesthesia or during surgery. and I can't afford it,anyway.
As for me, ever since my 2 falls 2 days apart now my muscle pain is getting worse with each passing day, NOT better, and I still have bruises on my legs and arms, so I wonder if maybe I even have Rhabdo from the injuries or something and last night and today I'm sweating(I even had my bedroom window open all night) so much as well; menopause is such a bitch, and I itch all over,too, and it feels like my skin is crawling, so my liver must be acting up and the bile salts in my blood make me itch, and both my mother and I have always been so clumsy as well we always trip and fall. knock things over, spill things, bump into things, bang into things, etc. and I found out it's very common with autism and what "gets" me to is how everyone is horrified and outraged about FGM( female genital mutilation) as they should be....yet at the same time think male circumsision is ok, when they're both equally mutilation and barbaric and there's really no difference.God made it that way for a reason and who are we to be cutting it off?(not to mention that it's painful,unnecessary, and cruel)and in case you were wondering, no, I didn't have any of my boys "snipped."I like to keep things natural.
The 28 YR old also likes this salad(potato salad I think it was) my hubby got for my mother and asked where he got it and when he was told it was from Wal-Mart he was devastated, as he hates Wal-Mart thinks it's crap and "beneath" him and refuses to shop there and I told him what does it matter as long as he likes the product who makes it and my hubby reminded me of when I was in my 20's and 30's how I wouldn't be caught dead in a "discount" store like that,either, but that's because I used to be rich ( and now I'm poor and can't afford to shop anywhere else) but he's not even rich, just pretentious! He also said his rich clients have Teslas (like the 26 YR old's BF also has) but they all say that they're crap, and my mother got to wear the new boots my hubby and I got her,too, but she had them on the wrong feet!
I can still remember as well when I was 20 a guy I liked set me up on a date with his friend from France who had a PhD in laser physics and for some reason thought we'd get along( we didn't) and we went out to Red Lobster (but at least he was traditional and picked me up in his car and paid for the date and never "tried" anything on me,and keep in mind I was still a virgin) and we came back to my place after and he wanted me to play my violin for him so I played Hungarian Waltz and he criticized me and said You're not that good and I replied something along the lines of F*ck you,man! and he said I was too "aggressive" like a man and that was the end of that. He was one of those really smart guys that was really arrogant and condescending though that looked down on everyone else and when he was living in Germany he was even living with this girl and one day he just moved out, left the country, and never even told her. I sure have met some strange people in my life.Maybe the strangest was the mercenary who wanted me to be a ghost-writer for his life story. He gave me the creeps so I declined.
I check my look in the mirror
Wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face.-Bruce Springsteen.
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