Friday, January 6, 2023

The Boots.

The boots my hubby and I went together and got for my mother came and she was so surprised and happy and I'm glad. I also added an extra 200$ to her account this month when I was putting $$$ in online to pay the bills because I know she's having trouble paying her credit card. One of the 28 YR old's rich clients also gave him 2 expensive( 500$ or so each) pairs of shoes and another a Tim Hortons gift card and he did a good deed today as well; he was shopping and a little girl liked 2 toys but couldn't decide which she should get so he pulled out 20$ and gave it to her and told her to get both, making her day. That was just soooo nice and an answer to my prayer that the kids become better people and something must have "happened" to the 15 YR old,too( also an answer to my prayer) when I asked him to go get me something from the deep-freeze downstairs(because going up and down stairs hurts my arthritic knees and I also get out of breath and feel faint) he not only did but without telling me to shut up or to go kill myself and when I thanked him after he even replied, You're welcome TOO! Every day I pray that both the kids and I can do better and be better and that they ultimately also return back to God. I also saw a Jaguar drive by and it must be someone from out-of-town because no one in this inbred redneck hick-ass town would own such a fine automobile. 😂
This is what I also consider Heaven; when I die my greatest pleasure and wish is to fly and soar high above a massive sunflower field like the one shown here, where there's nothing but sunflowers( or lilac bushes, plus the aroma permeating eveywhere) as far and wide as you can see, and I wonder if my pain, fatigue, edema,nausea, etc. and thick brown line (and it's not my summer tan which has now faded)across my stomach sideways the thickness of 2 fingers' width indicates stomach cancer; if that may be what's causing all my pain and symptoms, esp. since 5 or so years ago I did  have a stomach ulcer and the bacteria that causes it increases your chance for stomach cancer greatly, and the pain is a combo of a gnawing pain and like being kicked in the stomach by a horse and today it's so bad I almost barf from the pain! A cousin in Europe is also watching the new Tom Hanks movie A Man Called Otto I want to see as well and the main character is just like me; unhappy and just wants to die and tries to keep killing himself but it never works.The light and purpose in his life went out when his wife died just like mine will when Buddy dies.

The new TV's a piece-of-shit,too; it's some brand I've never even heard of so I researched it and it's just some cheap-ass knock-off brand from China so it probably won't last for long as everyone knows Chinese products are cheap but also pieces of trash and I think it might be "possessed" as well as 3 times when it was turned off it just turned itself back on( and demons can move thru electricity; they run along the same frequencies) and my mother said yesterday when she was watching it for 4 hours a few times it still shut off and lost sound a few times,too, just like our old one did( my hubby said it's fine for him  and it must just 'like' him better) so it makes me wonder then if the problems all along weren't even the old TV then afterall but rather our shitty Internet( that's crrraaapp and sucks,too) or the half-assed provider we get the TV channels from? Everything we have is always shit  and I'm sick of it! With the price of food now( average steak 35$) no one can even afford to eat anymore so maybe that's the gov't plan all along; they didn't succeed in killing us all off with their COVID "Clot Shot" so now they'll just starve the rest of us to death to achieve their globalist population control agenda?

Everybody's had to fight to be free.-Tom Petty


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