Friday, February 24, 2023

Basic White Girl.

Am I the only one that noticed that pretty well every girl in their 20's nowadays all seem to look alike, the same, like clones? It seems that the Basic White Girl looks like in the photo here: long hair, usually blonde, with ridiculous thick eyebrows, fake giraffe eyelashes and most also with too-big inflated lips, too much  heavy over-done make-up,  and waaay too long talon-like Dragon Lady nails.They look like drag queens! It's NOT a good look, BTW, and they look plastic, phony, cheap, and like bimbos. Do they actually think that this look is attractive and  not realize that they all look the same? They remind me of those blow-up inflatable sex dolls, actually.Another thing I don't "get" either is how it's popular and trendy now for drag queens to have story time with young kids; I remember when you once needed to show ID to be admitted to a drag show; it was adult  entertainment, like a strip club, and now they're grooming kids like it's a normal everyday acceptable thing and no one thinks anything of it. I was horrified as well yesterday on Twitter someone said What would the world be like without Black people?  and everyone commented that it would be safer, have less crime, less crowded jails, etc. it was just awful how many racists there are out there and I was the only one that replied that they're a bunch of f*cking racists and it's people like them that give White people a bad name. 
The world has gone crazy.
I also don't "get" either how trans people think that by simply cutting off their boobs or dick that it "changes": their gender when their DNA still stays the same; it's like when you neuter a male dog it's still a male dog and not a female; it's just a male dog that doesn't have any balls, and in Bible times men were castrated to work in the royal household so they wouldn't "fool around" with the King's harem and they were called eunuchs, not women, and my mother said with the 26 YR old's next birthday card she has to get a "genderless" birthday card now as opposed to a Happy Birthday Daughter card just one that says plainly Happy Birthday too and I told her she can just get one that says Happy Birthday Son now instead but she said she'll just stick with the neutral Happy Birthday and remembering to change pronouns from the former she to he isn't really that hard,either( although sometimes I do forget and slip up and then remember to correct myself) it's just like when soneone changes their name and you have to remember to use the new name.

We also got a shitload of snow and getting more of the same(incl. ice pellets again as well) on Monday next week, and USA said China being Russia's ally is in no position to be involved in the war with Ukraine even though China was the only one to offer peace; suggesting a ceasefire when USA is the one that keeps pushing war sending more and more weapons, and I can still remember( and laugh about it) too in 1985 when I went to Russia I brought along a bunch of the German and French Bunte and Paris Match  magazines for the long 12 HR flight only I blacked-out all the titties( Western Europe was more, let's say, liberal than Soviet Russia, who banned porn, and  Russia's not as perverted, something I still like about them) with a black marker, and by last night all but one of my acrylic nails came off as well but it lasted almost 2 months so that's just a dollar a day so I really can't complain.I also told Buddy It's time for a nap! the other day and the Google Home device replied, You work hard; you deserve a rest! I swear, that thing spies on us! In case the gov't is listening in I also bellowed loudly, Trudeau can suck my balls  and this country is a Fascist shithole I want to see burn to the ground!

I also had this last night; the Harveys  melted cheese and mushroom burger and it was glorious! Such a gourmet classy item didn't have a coupon,though; it's too "high class" and  something so magnificient must be paid full price, and the 28 YR old says I'm "addicted" to weed as well which isn't even possible; one can't become "addicted" to marijuana like to crack, meth, or heroin, and I told him I'm "addicted" to NOT having migraines anymore and to having pain relief, and he said most people want to be immortal and to live forever,too, but not me; I want  to die and be set free, and either go to Heaven or be reincarnated and hope for something better next time around and he said he thinks after you die there's nothing; just nothingness and darkness but I'd even prefer that over my life, and my mother wrote sandwiches as sandwishes and her cognitive decline is getting much worse( as is her hoarding and she has food and garbage all over; in her walker and in, under, and all around her bed and on her bedside table, etc. she's such a pig and lives in squalor) yet she still refuses to take the cognitive testing her doctor suggests. She's such a stubborn old goat!

Take me to the higher place I gotta run to the higher state 'Cause no where else to go, light the way Pack it up and roll, I'm on my way.-Skip Marley


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