Sunday, February 5, 2023

Oh, Shit!!

My hubby and the 28 YR old never did make it to their chess tournament in Toronto yesterday; they only made it as far as Whitby and then they had an accident; the car spun out on black ice  even spinning 360 degrees  going off the highway and landing in a ditch( seen in the photo here, I cropped as so not to show the license plate) but luckily there wasn't alot of traffic and no other cars hit it and no one was injured or killed thank God! They called a tow truck and played chess while they waited and the tow driver regaled them with gory stories of accident sites he's seen with skulls smashed in and intestines hanging out, dead kids,etc. and then they had to make a police report, drop the broken car off at the autobody shop(but it can't get assessed until Monday to see if it can be repaired or replaced but they said it looked pretty bad and the frame is twisted) and have to get insurance to assess, etc. and in the meantime we got a rental, a silver Elantra. I half-expected that they'd ask the tow truck to just drop them off at the chess tournament so they wouldn't miss it and just worry about the car later and when I asked what his reaction was realizing they were spinning out he just said, Here we go! Wheeee! I would have seriously panicked and screamed, Oh, my God! We're going to DIE!!

This is also Buddy enjoying his new toy, for something cute to enjoy....oh, but there's more:
last night the water finally defrosted from the frozen water pipes  and the dishwasher turned itself  on  and the pipe burst and water just gushed out, like a torn artery pumps out blood, and it just flooded the kitchen floor and back hall and door and my hubby had to turn the water off so now we have a broken water pipe and  no water for anything; not even for baths, to flush toilets, to cook, to drink, laundry,nothing,and we have to call the plumber on an emergency weekend call as well! F*ck! I wonder what else can possibly go wrong this weekend,too? My mother's cough is also really bad(and often turns to pneumonia) and we ran out of cough syrup and none of the stores have any and even all the pharmacies ran out( this shithole is like a half-assed Third World Banana Republic) and my stomach and abdomenal pain is sooo bad today too as well as a massive headache.

Buddy really enjoys his new toy. He's wearing his sweater indoors because it's so cold. Even the furnace can't keep up with the frigid cold and won't get warmer than 65 F. I wonder too if maybe God allowed the accident is somehow "protecting" them preventing them from going to the tournament as maybe something bad would have happened had they gone, such as a shooting or an explosion or something and this actually ended up saving them? At first when my hubby told me about the accident I didn't even believe him as he always mindf*cks me telling me tall tales like that so I just thought he was f*cking with me again and I was like Yeah, right, sure you were in an accident! Tell me another one! until I saw the photo and then I freaked out. He's like the story The Boy Who Cried Wolf ; lies so many times the one time he actually does tell the truth and something really does happen no one believes him.

I always feel like the Middle Child of life.


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