Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Today Stuff.

We got easily 15 cm of snow and the 28 YR old tried to go in to work today but he and his boss couldn't even get the trailer out of the boss' place; the snow was up to their knees and even with the snow blower there simply was too much and they didn't have the time and were buried in too deep and just had to call it a day. He still got paid luckily but he was sad becuase he really likes his job and was looking forward to going in after it being a really slow 2 months. I also got my lower abdomenal ultrasound and it was the same guy( luckily I didn't wear the same clothes as last time!) but he was ok this time so maybe last time he just had a bad day? They also had redneck sports playing on the TV in the waiting room so I just tried to ignore it by looking away and trying to focus on something else like something on the wall or people watching . Luckily he didn't do the trans-vaginal afterall,thank God, being a guy, and spent half the time focusing on the one same spot, the lower right corner, where the appendix and right ovary are, so I'm thinking hopefully he might have found something and I'll finally know what's causing the pain! He also pressed extra hard on that spot as well, as if to get a clearer image. So is my appendix inflamed and/or rupturing(or about to) or do I have a cyst or tumour or something and he also asked how long ago I was diagnosed with diverticulitis...

Check out the funny-looking pasta I cooked as well; I think it looks like a bunch of false fingernails I put a nice creamy Alfredo sauce on and the cake my hubby got was really hard and stale too and last night I saw a brown rabbit out the backyard again but not the same one as before as that one was big and fat and this one was smaller and thin and so I tossed it a piece of the chocolate cake and it ate it so I guess rabbits like chocolate cake too, but I mean, who doesn't, and today my abdomenal and back pain are really bad and I also feel sort of "spacey" in my head,too, sort of "floaty" and sooo tired like jet-lag -tired and feel like I fall asleep at any moment and yesterday was so weird it felt like time was moving in slow-motion all day and 2 hours felt like 8 hours to pass by.

A pet-peeve of mine as well: I always end up the one that has to re-fill the milk bag: someone always finishes it and leaves the empty one in the fridge and I go to use it and it's empty and I re-fill it because I'm conscientious like that( and yes, I don't know how to spell that word and had to check and even Google hesitated and spelled it slowly; it was hard for it,too; English is a hard language!); the last one to use it and empties it should be the one to re-fill it just like the toilet papaer roll; don't put it back in the fridge empty! It amuses me as well Americans are puzzled we have milk in bags. We also have it in jugs and cartons too, just like normal people.

My heart's like an open book For the whole world to read Sometime nothing keeps me together at the seams.-Motley Crue


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