Wednesday, March 29, 2023

New Furnace.

Yesterday we had our new furnace put in along with a new digital thermostat! It took the 2 guys 5 1/2 hours to install it and it's smaller than our old one but supposed to be more efficient and quieter and it only took an hour to go from 52 F back up to 70 F. It's a Lennox too which is a good brand and I remember the same kind as our old one back in Ottawa. After all that we asked the guys if they'd elevated it off the ground on a platform like they were supposed to do to save it from more flood damage from the always-flooding basement and of course they didn't- just our "luck" and they said, The head office didn't say anything about that; we were just told to install the furnace....
Oh, f*ck. Of course.
It figures.
So we had to call the office and now they said they'll send someone over tomorrow to elevate it. I just hope they installed it right though and we don't all end up dead from carbon monoxide poisoning or something. I remember at our old house in Ottawa  they screwed it up after the fire; they first of all installed a furnace too big for the house and then they installed it backwards( whatever that means) I swear, we don't have much luck with anything. Neither my mother or I slept well for the past couple of nights either worrying about $$$ and our latest debt having to pay for it over the next 15 YRS and she said why don't I just pay for it with the $$$ I have saved away in my bank account.(even though it costs more than I even have)....except that's for my future when I stop getting an income in 2 years once the youngest turns 18 until I get my old-age pension at 65; for those 7 years I have no income I'll need $$$ and besides, why would I spend my $$$ for those ingrates? Whenever I ask my hubby and mother why they treat me like shit they even blame me too saying You're annoying. That's right; blame the victim.The 28 YR old also asked who gets the debt when my mother and I die and I said the kids and he said with  enough of them dividing it they only have to pay 10$ or so a month each.

Both my eyes are also really itchy and swollen and the lower membranes are fiery red so I'm pretty sure I have Pink-Eye( common with a cold) and my abdomenal and back pain is still really bad as well and also my lower right rib area at the back, and this morning Buddy make this hiccup-sounding noise and he cuddled in right next to me for comfort which was nice, and pretty much all the snow's gone too but we're supposed to get more on the weekend, and yesterday all day right from when I got up I didn't feel "right", like something was "off" and I wasn't quite "myself" and this morning the dryer's not working now,either( I'm just sooooo fed-up with this shit) and yesterday I tried to add a song ( Bullet The Blue Sky by U2) on my iPod too but it wouldn't work saying it was full so I deleted some songs and cleared some space and the 16 YR old helped me to no avail so I had my hubby try and he got it on......but deleted all my other songs off BOTH the iPod AND back-up on my computer,too, over 2000  of them, that it took years  to get and I'll never remember or be able to get back and I'm beyond devastated  and my heart literally hurts; he knows how much my music means to me and how important it is, and knowing him he probably did it on purpose,too, esp. since he knows what he's doing and he does computers for a living, and my music was one of my last  comforts, solace, and joys I have left  and everything I love, care about, or enjoy had been taken away from me and I've lost.  Like Bob Marley said Music is life. He might as well  have just killed me.

But I'd rather be a free man in my grave Than living as a puppet or a slave.-Jimmy Cliff


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