Tuesday, March 28, 2023

What A Day!

Yesterday was quite a day! The good  thing was the bath-bombs I ordered arrived and this morning I used the egg-shaped one that turned the bath water orange( I tried to take a photo but it ended up all blurry) and left gold glittery sparkles on my body my hubby said looked like rust and I was 'rusting" ( ha, ha, but good analogy though)...but the bad  was first my hubby had screwed-up my mother's income tax and put down the wrong birthdate( he'd wrote June instead of July) so the revenue agency locked her account thinking she got hacked so he had to call them and it was a whole lot of back-and-forth he had on the phone with them trying to un-do his mistake and they had to talk to her to verify it really was her, etc.
and then there's the really big one:

When we got up yesterday my hubby noticed it felt cold in the house and checked the thermostat and it was at 62 F ( we keep it at 70F) so he cranked it up thinking someone had turned it off by accident....but even hours later it hadn't changed so I said the furnace must be broken so we called the repair guy who came and checked it and I was right.....and how: he said due to our flooded basement( due to spring meltage and heavy rain) it seeped into the bottom of the furnace and destroyed it plus short-circuited the motor and to replace it would cost 1200$ and it's an old furnace anyway( 15 years old) and at the end of its life-span and starting to fall apart bit-by-bit as it is anyway( just like me; once one thing goes they all do, starting with my gallbladder and progressing from there) so they could fix it temporary and just keep coming back for more repairs...or just get a new one with a 10 year warranty and repairs covered so we did that. It cost 8500$ we don't have so we went with their financing plan where we pay just over 100$/ month for 15 years(and by then we'll need another one!) but it's not too likely that either my mother or I will still even be alive by then,anyway.It surprised me too when the guy asked my mother's marital status and she said widow as that's not exactly true; before she had always said separated as they have been since I was 2 but now he's died she says widow even though he had another family? It just didn't sound right somehow...The guy also asked how long we plan on staying in the house and my mother and I said until we die and my hubby said  he's just waiting until she and I die and then he's going to sell it and he goes, No, I don't think I'm going to write that down....

Our A/C is the same age,too( we had them put in together) but can't afford to get that done,too( same price) but my mother doesn't care about that because the A/C is really just something I care about,anyway, and just like the pool they took away from me years ago soon I'll be losing my A/C, too, and the guy for the furnace was here for a whole 2 hours which surprised me and during the loooong discussion he looked over at me and said, You can speak; this involves you,too and I was just floored; no one ever incl. me or asks MY opinion and what I have to say never matters, and it doesn't incl. or involve me but it meant alot to me that at least someone considered me, and when he asked what our total annual income is and my hubby told him I was surprised how much it actually is as we never see any of it and if it's so good then how come we're always struggling so much to even just pay the bills? Where is all this $$$ going ? He said we need a new foundation too but that's 20/30K so that's out of the question, and now it's 52 F in the house but we used space heaters to keep warm and they're putting in the new furnace today and luckily it's not too cold this time of year.

My mother also ordered pizza last night but only got the 2 kinds that her, my hubby,and the 16 YR old like, not from the place I like but from the one that has too much sauce,and not even any of the types I like but the ones I don't even like; not even caring or asking what kind I want, as always I'm left out, not considered, and just treated like a piece of shit to be scraped off the bottom of their shoes.It's like I'm not even a part of this family  and then they wonder why I hate them and want out and am desperate to start a new life on my own elsewhere.

I don't care if it hurts I'm tired of lies and all these games I've reached a point in life no longer can I be this way.-Ziggy Marley


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