The custom-made and custom-designed cards the 28 YR old made and had professionally printed arrived yesterday, over 400 of them and they turned out really nice and it's a complete game, sort of like Yu-Gi-Yoh! or Dungeons & Dragons where each card has its own character that has certain abilities and strengths and the players battle. He invented every single one of them and even made one for Buddy too where he's like this zombie dog(shown in the photo below) and in the photo here him and the 16 YR old are playing their first game which they both really enjoyed and lasted about an hour. He even made a double copy of the Buddy Card and gave me one, to which my mother quipped, and he didn't even make you pay for it? and at first when I saw it(it's small and I don't see too well,either) I thought the red mark on his face was a kiss mark, like from lipstick and the thing around his neck was a collar but then when I put the image up on my computer and saw it big I saw they were actually battle scars; bloody injuries and then it wasn't so cute anymore and it broke my heart and made me sad. I liked it better before. The cards are so good I told him he should market it and Trivial Pursuit was originally just designed in someone's home at first,too,and became this big hit so you never know. The timing was good too as it's a long holiday weekend(Easter) and there's no school or work so they have lots of time to play.
I know, the photo is side-ways and the edit thing I normally use to rotate it wasn't working so just turn your head sideways. Yesterday my hubby also had to go all the way to Whitby( 90 minute drive away) to return the rental car but luckily was able to get another one( a small silver Toyota Gyro) in the meantime while they work on ours and this time he actually saw it in the bodyshop getting repaired and they said it will take more than a week to fix but at least now it's progress and he got a new dryer as well, but it's not silver like the old one to match the washing machine; this one is white, as to get a matching silver one would cost an extra 500$ and this already cost 700$ as it is but they can't deliver until Wednesday (damn holiday!) so that's still 5 more days of going to the laundry mat(and of course it's closed today for the stupid holiday! Damn!) to dry the laundry!As if life wasn't already hard enough( and stressful enough) now it just got worse. My hubby is stressed having to be the one running around doing all these things but he also forgets that it's my mother and I that are the ones that worry about paying for all these expenses.
My cough is also sooo bad now too it feels like I'm going to cough up a lung and the other day I actually did cough up a fleshy thing and yesterday and today my back, abdomen and stomach pain is so bad it even goes to my upper-mid back and chest as well and I also have baaad indigestion too and feel nauseated unless it's actually a looming heart-attack and it also feels like something's going to explode in here and it's just soooo bad , maybe it's even a Triple A; an AAA; abdomenal aortic aneurysm, or maybe cancer that's spread everywhere? Whatever it is the pain is off-the-charts, and this is coming from someone who has a very high pain tolerance,too! My mother also has to do fasting blood work next month (overnight) as well and she tried the other night to see how long she could go without eating overnight and she failed and how can they even expect someone with diabetes to fast,anyway? Isn't her blood sugar going to drop down dangerously low? Today being Good Friday is a fasting day anyway and now it's also Holy Week, Passover, and Ramadan all at the same time. As for Putin, despite his faults, the one thing I do agree with is that he doesn't want children corrupted by perversion and sexually explicit stuff, unlike here, where they're indoctrinated and groomed by it, in school, by society,etc.
I'm broader than Broadway-Barrington Levy
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