Monday, April 3, 2023

Sweet Jasmine.

This morning I had a dreamy soak in a jasmine bath-bomb tub of yummy goodness. It turned the water a deep pink colour( even though jasmine is white) and even had jasmine blossoms in it and it's rare as we don't have jasmine here. It was pure bliss. I think that's also what I'm going to ask my hubby for my Mother's Day gift,too; more bath-bombs as that's my pleasure and my luxury. I even left it in the tub so the aroma can waft thru the entire house and make it smell nice plus saving it again for tomorrow and I'm the only one that uses the bathtub anyway. I remember back in Jr. High I knew a girl named Jasmine too and she ended up having a baby at 16 and dropping out of school. Oh,well. Lately the worst of my pain and that hurts the most is also my lower right rib at the back and it's also worsening, and so bad yesterday I even had to smoke my hash (which is stronger than the regular flower weed) for pain relief and I wonder if it might be a pulmonary embolism( blood clot in lung) or a lung tumour/lung cancer(esp. with my chronic cough) or maybe even something to do with my pancreas which can "radiate" to rib and back pain? The "sock" bandage I have on both feet( that looks like an ankle cast covering my foot and ankle and my toes stick out) for my Plantar Fascitis also helps but it's soooo tight with my fluid retention you can see the extreme swelling popping thru and it leaves a big indentation even hours after I remove it.

My friend V( from grade 6 and I also named my first girl after because I love the name) also got her forklift operating license( just like the 28 YR old got years ago,too) and my Greek trans Facebook friend (male to female) is getting the bottom surgery now as well and I heard that's supposed to be really painful and I think it's kind of ironic about trans people,too how they can't accept themselves before the transition and yet they expect everyone else to accept them after the transition but I do totally understand what it's like to hate who you are and wish you were someone else though, and the repairman comes today to fix the dryer and I just hope that he can and that it doesn't cost too much(and that we don't need a new dryer we can't afford) and if he can't today( needs to order the part or we need a new one, God forbid...) my hubby has to go back to the laundry mat(where the poor people go) again to dry the laundry and I can remember back in Toronto walking by the laundry mat and all the tough punks used to hang out there bothering people.

I also discovered the most amazing thing ever: chocolate-covered pretzels and the unique combination of sweet and salty is like taffy and chocolate and it's soooo good, and the founder of the Dachshund group on Facebook her dog died of cancer,too, just a month before its 15th birthday and it's so sad and they were hoping to get another couple of years and when Buddy dies (he's 17 now) my heart will remain broken until I breathe my last and we meet again.

Mama's gonna keep you right here under her wing She won't let you fly but she might let you sing-Pink Floyd


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