Tuesday, April 4, 2023

The Google Clock Thingy.

My hubby got me one of those Google Home Device thingies with a digital clock for my bedroom( he got it on sale which he was waiting for) to finally replace my shitless clock radio that wouldn't allow me to do both the correct time and have the radio station on at the same time, so the time was always 4-5 hours off and it also always had this annoying alarm that went off at 4-5 am( depending on what time change it was) I couldn't disable so now that annoying shit is finally gone after years of torment and annoyance! Yay! It's extra good too as when the redneck sports comes on the news I no longer have to plug my ears either; I just ask Google to pause and it turns it off until I ask it to resume and I just ask it to change radio stations or to play Reggae, for example,  plus it also has all the other Google features as well so I can ask it a question or have it search something for me, pull up a diagram, ask the weather,set timers and alarms and reminders,  even page to someone down in another room, etc.Normally technology pisses me off but this thing is really cool! The pain in my lower rib on the right side at the back also continues to get worse and today it also hurts at the front too, and radiates up to my chest, so maybe it is something to do with my lung, or perhaps maybe my liver or kidney hidden beneath it, and I also saw this heart condition called ATTR or Amyloidosis ; a buildup of amyloid deposits(protein) and it listed all the symptoms( fatigue, swelling in hands, feet, and abdomen, shortness of breath,cough, irregular heartbeat, weakness, numbness/tingling in hands and feet, diarrhrea and constipation, easy bruising, etc.) all of which I have, so it's another thing to possibly consider as a cause and just makes me wonder...

The repairman also came yesterday for the dryer, and of course with OUR "luck" it was a computer chip that needs replacing but of course it's out of stock and on back-order and comes from USA(and costs 250$, plus the 149$ service call, yet still cheaper than a new dryer) so the guy said it'll take 2 weeks so my hubby has to go to the laundry mat for 2 weeks to dry the clothes and my mother's all like, Oh, thank you for going out and drying the clothes! when  wash and  dry doing the laundry all the time but I never get one single Thank You or acknowledgement ever, or for anything  ever do, and they just always tell me that I'm lazy and don't  do anything, and my Facebook friend who has Alzheimers her mother just died,too; she was around 90, and I heard Queen is touring as well but with some American Idol guy as lead singer and without Freddie Mercury it's NOT *really* Queen, anyway; Princess maybe, but not Queen.

The Scottish Lady also sold her house for 399K ( it was listed for 429K) and the 23 YR old was saying that being homeschooled allowed her to be creative( she's creative like me and also like me does writing and art) and remembers one time at Bible camp everyone painting panda bears and they did theirs the usual black and white and she coloured hers rainbow and they said that's NOT what pandas look like and the exact same thing happened to me,too; I still remember when I was in Kindergarten and I made a dog out of clay and painted it orange and purple and they told me dogs aren't orange and purple and I replied, Mine is!  She still likes to dye Easter eggs too and I remember one time my mother and I just came back from an exhausting overseas trip the day before Easter and one of the first things she asked us as we walked in the door, jet-lagged and just wanting to sleep(plus having to catch up on laundry, groceries, unpacking, Church, etc.) was when were we going to dye Easter eggs, which, of course, we had completely forgotten about,was the last thing on our mind, and didn't have time for, and she was just so disappointed.

I also keep hearing people talking about their "brackets" and I, of course, am clueless and have no idea what the hell they're even talking about; to me brackets are in grammar and math, and I also made the mistake of Googling "neo vagina" to see what my friend's "bottom surgery" consisted of and I really wish I hadn't; it's horrific and really gruesome and gory and looks like an injury when you get chopped up by a small engine airplane propeller is the best way to describe it. They not only cut off the dick and balls but also pull out a bunch of gunk from the inside(it reminds me of gutting a pumpkin) and chop off large sections of the inner thigh; it looks butchered honestly and it was horrifying, and to undergo such a grisly, painful procedure they must really really  want it and be determined, and here all along I just thought they cut the dick off and simply "turned" it "inside-out" somehow. Sometimes there are just things that you are better off NOT knowing and that you wish you didn't see.

Here I go again on my own Going down the only road I've ever known Like a drifter, I was born to walk alone.-Whitesnake


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