Sunday, April 2, 2023


Yesterday was a good  day! In-between the morning and evening rain it was a glorious 15 C and I was outside for 2 1/2 hours and brought  my garden chairs out of winter "hibernation", and I even got a sunburned face, my first sunburn of the season!(shown in the photo below, although you can't see the redness as well in the photo as in real life, and sorry about my ugly mug, larger than life, complete with my always-drooping eye on the one side; I'm sure I must have had a mini-stroke at one time to cause it) and the 28 YR old heard a cardinal sing and he said it "sounds like a laser bird" and he bought a nice fine white linen shirt for summer as well, lookin' sharp  and stylin' as always, and yesterday Buddy also got to see his friends, after a long winter break and so I also got to see my friend,too; their hooman, who also happens to be a trans man and so I told him about how the almost 27 YR old is transitioning to a trans man as well as I thought he would find it interesting and when I said how my family alll knew about it except for me and they all hid it from me and were never really ever planning on telling me he said that was a horrible, despicable, unforgivable thing to do and that he was mad for  me and if it was him that he'd leave(and that it was grounds for divorce) and say Have a nice life! and said that he's also the outsider and outcast in his family,too, just like I am in mine, likely for being trans, like how I am for being autistic and bipolar.

The Shadow People are also back again as well, and I notice I seem to notice them more at times when I'm under extreme stress, just like with the hallucinations, and luckily my mother was able to activate our credit cards, and every morning around 7 am I always hear this really loud noise outside that sounds like a generator and for the longest time I couldn't figure out what it was and then I found it; it's one of the neighbour's piece-of-shit cars, and yesterday was my "opposite" birthday as well; my birthday is the first month, fourth day and yesterday was the fourth month, first day and today combines my 2 fave. numbers, 2 and 4; second day, fourth month, and for April Fool's Day yesterday I attempted to pull an April Fool's Day joke on my mother and hubby too saying I was bleeding out my ass(which I have  had before) except it didn't work because there was zero reaction; nothing; they didn't say anything  in return; no reply, no comment, nothing, they didn't even care, and for Easter I can remember my Greek friends always roasted a whole lamb on a split out in their yard and my friend A(who was Greek) hated lamb and said she was a "disgrace to her people" and the Greek Orthodox during the 40 days of Lent not only didn't eat meat but also couldn't have anything that had salt or oil in it,either, so that's really hardcore, and the 16 YR old backed-up my iPod songs either on a file or on a USB port or whatever-the-hell he did but either way now at least they're safe from being deleted and my hubby said to save it in the Cloud or whatever but I have no idea what that even is.

If we still have time, we might still get by Every time I think about it, I wanna cry With bombs and the Devil, and the kids keep comin' No way to breathe easy, no time to be young.-Heart


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