Sunday, May 14, 2023

Schönen Muttertag!

Happy Mother's Day! When I got up this morning there were 2 gifts( shown here) and cards waiting for me on my place-setting on the kitchen table. My mother gave me a card that she signed the kids' names(since they don't bother) and my hubby got me 4 nice scented bath-bombs( that I just love!) from Lush (one is even called Unicorn Poop!) ....and this bizarre-looking weird Dachshund banana thing I'm not quite sure what it's supposed to be and my first thought when I  saw it was What the f*ck is that and why? I can't even pretend that I like it; it's just so dumb and I don't even know what he was thinking when he bought it(or why) it's just so ridiculous! I had one of the bath-bombs for my Mother's Day bath this morning too but it was shitless; it didn't turn the water any colour and had barely any scent so it must have been one of the cheaper ones(it was the one with the spots on it) so I'll have to make a mental note to never get that one again. My mother also said we're ordering-in KFC for dinner tonight because she "doesn't want to cook", not that she does much,anyway. I also picked most of the tulips in our front garden( seen in the photo below) before other people walking by do or the rabbits eat it and this is our Mother's Day floral bouquet from God, and even though I'm an Only Child I'm still not my mother's favourite child.

I also put lavender epsom salts on my chest and tummy to ease the itch and sting of my sunburn and and I heard that 65% of Americans have never left their country and travelled which I find shocking, and I wonder too how can I tell if my symptoms are just me being old and fat and out of shape or are actually due to a serious medical condition but I hope the CT scan next month will give me some answers, and I'm pretty sure my mother is depressed,too, as she no longer has interest in the things she used to, such as sitting outside on the veranda watching the people go by or even having a BBQ anymore and now I have to prasctically force her to go outside and keep nagging her and she goes, Just leave me alone! Pretty much all she does now is lay around in bed all day. I also hope to go on my annual Lilac Hunt sometime this week too and pick wild lilacs which I love and always fills up the entire house with a fragrant aroma.

The Buzz is also back! yesterday I shaved my head into the Buzz Cut I always have for summer when it's hot( my "signature style") and now I feel like the Old Me again and so far anyway no one's noticed it(although several of my Facebook friends say they like it) and I know my mother doesn't like it(her fave. style on me has always been the Lady Di cut) so it's a good thing that I didn't do it for her. and I can still remember as well when I was in grade 4 my friend and I walking to school in the morning would "moon" the daycare kids playing in their front yard on the way by and I don't know why we thought it was a "good" idea at the time (and I did  get in trouble, and as a kid getting called into the Principal's office is like as an adult having the police show up at your door and arresting you; it's terrifying!) but now when I look back at it I laugh, and the 28 YR old thinks it's "weird" I don't do "BJ's" as well even though I was brought up that it's not something that  "nice" girls do; only whores and gay guys; it's like a dog licking itself, and besides, it's one of the things my abuser made me do when I was a kid ( so I also see it as degrading , humiliating, servile, subserviant, and sort of along the same line as get down on your knees and kiss my feet sort of thing) and I swore I'd never be degraded like that ever again.

Just living is not enough. One must have freedom.


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