Sunday, May 28, 2023


Look what amazing find the 28 YR old got yesterday at a consignment store! Genuine Swarovski crystal! He got this entire set at an amazing discount! It's a clown, a jester, and something called Columbine( the only Columbine I've ever heard of is that tragic school in the USA that had that mass shooting years ago) that looks like Snow White  and a stage. He's always wanted Swarovski  and being that he cleans chandeliers for a living he's an expert on crystal and he was explaining to me that this has a high lead content which is what makes it shine a rainbow prism when the light hits it as opposed to diamonds which shine clear. When purchased new each piece easily costs over 200$ (and now for over 500$)and my BFF gave me the sunflower one( shown below) one year for a Christmas gift,too and I remember as a kid going into the swanky Birks jewellery stores looking at the pretty Swarovski crystal displays in awe. He also went to an art show and sat in the VIP area and was invited to a black-tie charity event today as well but it conflicted with his Dungeons & Dragons game he has with his friend group and he also has jiu-jitsu today as well. Yesterday I also saw the most beautiful deep bright brilliant red cardinal ever( the 28 YR old said it looked like a tropical bird) I wonder if he even knows how beautiful he is, and I saw him courting his girl,too(Milady, where are you?), and it was fun to watch as they sang to eachother far away on separate branches on the tree, slowly moving closer and closer and when they eventually ended up on the same branch together I cheered!  I also rescued a bumble bee that was trapped inside trying to find its way out using a glove and a dish and I caught it and released it  back outside.

The 16 YR old still has this really bad cough he sounds like a barking seal or a walrus and I'm worried it might be turning into bronchitis or pneumonia and he doesn't have the energy to stand up and walk much, just sit so I'm telling my hubby to take him to the walk-in clinic as he likely needs antibiotics, and my mother hasn't left the couch in 2 days, not even to go to the bathroom and she said she needs both my hubby and the 28 YR old to carry her to bed now(and she'll just stay there) as she won't stand up or walk as she doesn't want to have that pain again but both of them haven't been at home at the same time together yet and she said when the time comes, probably next month, she'll go to the hospital to die, and this morning Buddy was bleeding from his mouth and I could see it  coming from his gums and loose tooth and it would be weird if all 3 of us( him, my mother, and myself) all died together at the same time,too, but my hubby would be happy; he'd be rid of her and I and finally be able to sell the house like he wants, and we're almost done May( our bad luck month) and nothing horrible happened yet; we've almost made it but NOT "safe" yet, and just when you think you're "safe" is usually when it hits you, and I smelled gasoline the other day,too, and I like it as it brings back happy childhood memories of being at the cottage going on the lake in my uncle's motorboat.

I spent so much time Believing all the lies To keep the dream alive Now it makes me sad It makes me mad at truth For loving what was you.-Billy Idol


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