Monday, June 5, 2023

C Diff.

Yesterday my hubby, the 16 YR old, and I visited my mother again( we do every day and so far she's been there 5 days only it seems much longer) and the 28 YR old asked if it was "obligatory" when I asked him if he was coming and I told him, "It's up to you; you don't have to come" and he said he'd rather not, which ended up probably a good thing because now she came back positive for the bacteria C Difficile which is very contagious so we had to all mask and gown up and wear gloves as a precaution(I looked like a surgeon!) and I was so sweaty as she doesn't have A/C in her room( just a fan!) and it can cause kidney failure or lead to sepsis and death, so holy f*ck! I knew what it was as soon as the nurse mentioned it but my hubby had a blank look and said to her, Can you please explain to us non-medical people(while pointing to himself and the 16 YR old) what that is? and if you have it you'll have abdomenal pain( which I always have anyway so hard to tell just from that) and really smelly watery diarrhrea. They also X-rayed her sore knee and it's just arthritis and they re-started the antibiotics and hydrating IV and gave her something for the pain she thought was the powerful opiate  Dilaudid since it was a "yellow pill" the nurse later confirmed to me it was but she never wants it again as she was so sleepy, groggy and woozy her speech was slow and slurred.

My mother also tried to get us to smuggle in some forbidden food for her and she was really hungry too and could hardly wait for them to bring her dinner, but an increased appetite is also a good thing meaning she's starting to feel better,  and she refuses to drink her potassium meds now too because it's so salty so I told her to just ask them to give it in either IV or pill form( both of which I know exist because I've had them myself) and the 28 YR old said the entire time I was gone poor Buddy just sat by the door barking. The poor dog must be so confused and miss me esp. since I hardly ever go anywhere and now I've been out every day for the past 5 days. Yesterday morning I also kept feeling sharp pain in my left chest every few seconds for awhile I wondered might be an imminent heart-attack but then after an hour or so it stopped.

I also took a photo of the sunflower painting they had on the wall for sale I want to buy but being Sunday no one was there so I'll see when I go back today if I can get it and all proceeds go to the hospital foundation so it helps charity( and God loves the charitable) and I remember on the cruises they sold art as well I loved and wished I could buy too but it was always waaaay out of my league; the bidding started at 45K! So I did the next best thing and just took photos of my fave. pieces instead. On the way home I also stopped off and bought myself a little treat as well: pretty yellow roses and I also thought the 28 YR old took my empanadas as I found them in the oven so I took them out and the 16 YR old and I shared them....except later on he told me that he'd also bought his own ....ooops, so I just ended up giving him mine to replace it, and I used a new towel this morning after my bath( we had to replace towels that my mother had soiled) and I'd forgotten the first few times you get all these little "fuzzies" all stuck to you, esp. when you put coconut oil all over your body first.

USA and Canada also had warships off the coast of China to either antagonize and provoke them or to spy on them( or maybe both) so then China sent it's own warship to intervene to try to "scare" them off(or to at least let their presence be known) by basically "cutting them off" like drivers typically do to eachother in Toronto traffic and now they're whining about it even though they started it first and why did they even travel so far, all the way across the world, right to their borders, anyway? What business do they have doing there,anyway? They just want to "shit-disturb" and if it were reversed and Chinese warships were off the coast of North America they'd probably blow them right out of the water. Imperialism can kiss my ass. They just want to provoke a war.USA is probably also jealous that China is becoming the new Superpower.

Every life is a life worth saving.-Doctors Without Borders.


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