Friday, June 9, 2023

Daily Life.

Here is yet another photo of The Best Dog In The World  AKA My Best Friend. Yesterday just I visited my mother as my hubby dropped me off and went with the 16 YR old to an activity with the homeschooling group. Now she's complaining they make her lay on her side in bed and not just always on her back even though she has painful bed sores from doing so and said she has a new doctor now,too, and she's Black, so she asked her where she was from( like me when I was a little kid, I used to think all Black people came from Africa, but then again I was only 3-4 years old) but as it turns out she actually is  from West Africa, and they're thinking of discharging her soon but she has to be done the IV first and be able to get up and walk more and be able to go to the bathroom and they're also arranging Home Care. I have to say it's been a nice quiet break with her gone,too, no stress, tension, or fighting,  and the 28 YR old says it's better without her here,too,and when she comes back no more hospital visits but a new adjustment having a PSW coming in our home every day but we'll adapt, just like we always do. I also saw the guy pick up the recycling yesterday who told me to exchange our broken boxes for new ones(boy, are they ever picky!) and I said I don't know where to get them from so he told me and I asked if we have to pay and he said no so tomorrow my hubby's going to exchange them. Also when I was doing the garbage a bunch of squirming maggots all came off the bag and fell on me and it was so gross! The smoke from the wildfires is so bad as well it's even wafted all the over to USA and impacting their air and air travel,too!

Yesterday I also did a TBT ( Throw-back Thursday) on my Facebook profile and posted this old photo of some of the kids( and the youngest hadn't even been born yet!) from 18 YRS ago when the now 25 YR old had leukemia and was undergoing treatment and now they're all grown up adults with lives of their own, and I noticed I bit my lip during the night so I must have had a seizure in my sleep again and we're supposed to get a storm again, maybe like the one we had the other night overnight, my hubby and the 28 YR old are members of the local raquet club I think sounds pretentious, and I keep having these recurring dreams too about my ex-friend J ( who used me and betrayed me) that she's died and now intercedes for me, as if "making up" for all the hurt she caused me as a teen, and whenever I see a kid on a bike or a skateboard wearing a helmet I think to myself, There's a kid whose parents care about him! and without one, There's a kid whose parents don't give a shit about him! and I'm equally just as happy with wildflowers picked from a field as I am with ones from an expensive florist; flowers are flowers, and they're all beautiful no matter where they come from.

The child is grown The dream is gone.-Pink Floyd


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