Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Daily Life.

Here I am wearing my funky, groovy hippie shirt. This is what I wore yesterday when I visited my mother, who called me and told me she'd been moved to another room and has a room-mate but I didn't know if she was just being delusional again so I thought it would make it interesting when I went to see her, so I popped my head into her usual room and there was an old man there so she really did  get moved( she wasn't imagining things this time!) and has a room-mate, whereas the other times she'd had a private room. She also said she thinks she has a cold now as well and a bad headache which, unlike me, is very unusual for her; she never gets headaches, so it worries me; is she having a stroke or an aneurysm maybe, and the nausea is gone now so my guess is maybe it was all just anxiety, stress, and worry( stomach in "knots") and now she's decided on long-term care she's at peace with the idea and not so worried, uncertain and stressed the nausea is gone? Both my hubby and the 28 YR old also said they think she actually likes being in the hospital too because she gets to just lay in bed all day and be waited on hand-and-foot. I also have this bad feeling that she'll be dead in less than a year and in just the past few months she suddenly looks  really old and feeble all of a sudden and yesterday Meals On Wheels brought her food to the house but it was just a crappy salad she didn't want, a bun and a cobbler which I brought to her.

My hubby also got this sweatband for pickleball that looks like a 'do rag and now he looks like a nerd from da 'hood  and I normally wake up at 6 am but now it's sunny early I'm up at 5-5:30 am and yesterday I saw the sweetest thing: a squirrel couple laying on a tree branch side-by-side picking fleas off eachother and if that's not love I don't know what is, but something sad,too: these grackles have a nest in our maple tree out front(their 2nd set of babies) and their older "kid" keeps trying to come back to the nest but they have new babies now(I can hear them chirping in the nest and  see the parents bringing them food) and they keep chasing the older one away! That's how I feel in my family,too; "replaced", my mother swooped in and took over and kicked me out but now she's not here it's much better, less stress, tension, fighting; it's actually been very quiet and peaceful with her not here. The Google Home Device also wouldn't shut up when I told it to( sort of like the kids) even when I kept yelling at it to stop but when I yelled at it in Russian, STOY!! it finally did, so I guess it understands Russian!

I also had this weird dream someone said, That's like saying God and Allah are the same... and I told them But they are; it's just different Names for the same Guy,just like Matthew, Matt, Matty, Matvei, Mateo, Matthias, etc. it's the same name, just different variations, the same for God, Allah, Yahweh, Abba, Gott, Jah, Jehovah, Krishna, Hashem, Elohim, Heavenly Father, etc. I also figured with my mother pretty much out of the picture now it wouldn't be a good time for my hubby and I to split up even when the youngest turns 18 in 2 years because we sort of need eachother; I need him for transportation and to help pay the bills and he needs me to cook, do laundry,and because I have the house. Everything is so uncertain but I pray God gives me strength for what lies ahead and I have faith knowing as always He will provide and get us thru it just as He always has.

I often dreamed that I could sail through the sky I've always wished I could fly.-Sammy Hagar


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