Tuesday, June 13, 2023


We had sooooo much heavy torrential rain yesterday the streets were flooding!The pot my  baby palm tree is in is overflowing with water right to the top! It was a real gutter-washer and we even broke a record! We got 55 mm( that's over 2 inches!) of rain which is a month's worth in just the one day! The grass really needed it though as it was so dry it was turning brown! Despite it though my hubby still made the hour drive to Kingston to play chess as he seems to have a habit of driving in bad weather and still hasn't learned from the accident last time. For someone who is smart he can be really stupid sometimes. We also visited my mother again( he and I) and they're not discharging her until her shit is "formed" (AKA "turds") so they know the bacteria is clearing up but it was actually a "relief" for me, any "extra" days until she comes back home, giving me even more of a break with her gone( and the 28 YR old said the same thing,too) and none of the nurses ate any of the chocolates, either, likely afraid she poisoned them or put a curse on them or something! She also said she wants to take an ambulance  back home,too( even though the back of an ambulance has got to be the most bumpy and uncomfortable ride there is!) even though it's only for an emergency and they'll send her a bill( something like 200$) if she mis-uses it( and they'll likely refuse,anyway) and my hubby was just going to pick her up.She must think it's a hotel with a shuttle service!

One of my cousins also turned 67 yesterday so I sent him a message on Facebook that said Happy Birthday, Old Fart! and I don't know why either none of the kids never even bothered to at least phone my mother in the hospital,either, they could have at least taken the time to do that, and yesterday she had me bring her a "snack",too, so I brought her a mortadella sammich, an orange and a V8 juice.It also felt like something kept "dripping" from my left temple yesterday as well but I couldn't see anything, at least not from the outside, and the almost 22 year needs her wisdom teeth out( they're growing in sideways) but she doesn't have any dental coverage, and I don't mind if transwomen come into the ladies' bathroom just as long as they don't have a dick, and if they do, then they're NOT "women" and shouldn't be in the womens' bathroom,anyway. I'm also pissed-off I miss my TV show this week; pre-empted for some stupid redneck sports crap.They should keep that shit on the sports channel where it belongs.

Going down the city sidewalk alone in the crowd No one knows the lonely one whose head's in the clouds.-Heart


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