Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Movin' On.

Now after over 30 years of homeschooling we're finally done' we've retired! Jubilanos! We've actually kept all of the kids' completed workbooks all along just in case we ever got "audited" and had to prove to the schoolboard or university admissions that the kids actually did do work and it wasn't just us saying so but now we can finally recycle the old books! Some of the more expensive text books we might even be able to sell second-hand online to other beginning homeschoolers at a discounted price. We can also now finally end our membership in HSLDA the legal protection for homeschooling families, which costs over 100$ a year. I can't believe it though, we're finally done!! To tell you the truth I hated it; it was so stressful but I continued on because I knew it was best for the kids and public school was never an option with all the corruption, indoctrination, peer pressure, bullying,violence, gangs, drugs, sex, Enviro and LGBT agenda, Wokeness,and anti-God, anti-family rhetoric, and gov't and political propaganda, there was no way. Not to mention the fact that the actual education part of it is also sub-par. The youngest finished highschool and is just finishing off some electives now and preparing for his SAT exam which homeschooled kids write to enter university since they don't have the usual school transcripts.

Well, today is the Big Day, the day my mother finally comes home. They called me yesterday to let me know and she comes home today after 2 weeks. I dread her return,actually, and I also found out she's been lying to us all this time,too, telling us that they haven't bothered to get her up into the chair or walking but just leave her in bed all day as I asked the nurses about it yesterday when my hubby and I went to visit her for one last time and they checked it all on their computer where they note everything down and they said they do it every day but she was un-coperative and didn't want to( that sounds like her!) and here all this time she was telling us that they were "neglecting" her! WTF? She really is "something!" She also has a yeast infection now,too, likely a combination from the antibiotics, her diabetes,and being in a wet diaper, so they put the catheter back in, and she'd better get up and go the bathroom once she's home,too,and not shit and pee in the bed and stink up the house like before,either, because that's just NOT acceptable and we won't live like that and if not she'll just have to go into long-term care. In the meantime, Home Care is coming and hopefully that will solve the problem. Her commode also looks like a potty on a walker, basically a potty on wheels, or a walking toilet!

I also found out that the 27 YR old is not only Goth and trans but also bi( so that's both straight and gay) and self-harmed, had an eating disorder and was suicidal, definitely the most f*cked-up of all the kids; most of them are, some just more so than others; we're just a f*cked-up family, and now the kids don't want me in their lives anymore they're grown up once Buddy's gone there's nothing left to keep me here anymore and I've already learned to live with losing the one I loved most in life but I can't do it again, and yesterday the top of my head in the inside was tingling as well and I don't know if it was from the weed I smoked or a stroke or something eating my brain but it tickled whatever it was, and the good thing about bagels,too, is the donut-like hole in the middle makes it easier for you to slip a fork or knife thru it to take it out of the toaster. Buddy was also straining to shit so I squeezed his ass and a turd came flying out his ass; it literally shot out and it was really quite spectacular and so funny I couldn't stop laughing!

The show must go on The show must go on Inside my heart is breaking My makeup may be flaking But my smile, still, stays on.-Queen


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