Saturday, June 10, 2023

Old Folks Home.

I feel like I'm running an old folks' home between both my mother and Buddy; both so old and can hardly walk and now he can no longer walk from one room to the other any more and when he wants to go to another room he'll bark for me to come and get him, and neither of them have many teeth left and need soft food cut up into small pieces, and they both shit on the floor and are incontinent and Home Care called twice yesterday as well and said they're doing 16 weeks for my mother with a review at 12 weeks and it's an entire team she'll get; PSW, nurse, OT, physio and social worker that come in the house 1-2 times a day an hour each time and this morning someone's coming in to install special devices such as commode, bed rail, shower bar, etc. and when no longer needed they also remove it, all at no cost to us.They plan on discharging her from the hospital on Monday and the 28 YR old said he hopes the nurse or PSW will be a Hot 20-something too and I told him watch them be a big muscular guy or a dyke or a transwoman or something; that'll serve him right!

My mother also said she feels like a human pincushion or voodoo doll always being pricked daily for blood work and 4 times a day for glucose testing and the OT called me yesterday as well and said she was "being difficult and uncooperative"( that sounds like her!) and asked what was her personality "like before" and I told her she's always been a stubborn old goat, very controlling, demanding, bossy, complaining, and wanting other people to serve her and not wanting to do anything herself and she said That was the impression I got and my mother also said she's mad they wrapped her up like a mummy and turned her onto her side for her bed sores and she wanted to lay on her back and she felt so helpless  and at least now I'm no longer worried she's going to die( at least not imminently but she does turn 82 next month) and she hasn't been delusional for awhile now somaybe it was just the infection but maybe her being forgetful she'll also forget that she doesn't love me and that I've never been good enough,too?

Now our oven's dying as well (it takes 3-4 hours to heat up to 350F)and we just bought a new dryer( using income tax refund) so now I don't know where we're going to get the $$$$ for that,too, and yesterday Buddy picked up the scent of a Hot Babe and he got all excited the dirty old bastard; he's a dirty old man, even at 17 he still thinks about humping; I guess guys are never too old to f*ck, and my hubby and the 28 YR old were playing pickleball inside the house too and they could break something( a window, Grandfather clock, a lamp,TV, etc) and I told them to take it outside or I'll hide their balls, and maybe the reason I'm not happy yet is because it's not my Turn, and my iris started off with only 3 blooms and 3 buds I could see but it ended up like the loaves and fish Jesus multiplies because it ended up with 12 blooms and and I also wonder too how long it'll take with the wildfires before they declare another emergency and say "Climate Change" and lock us down indoors again just like they did with Covid?

All things must pass.-George Harrison.


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