Thursday, June 15, 2023

She's Baaaacck!

Yesterday my mother came back home from the hospital after 2 weeks, still wearing her hospital gown( she stole it!) and barefoot! She of course just wanted to go right to bed but we kept her sitting up in the wheelchair parked in front of the TV to watch the news for an hour before putting her to bed. Shortly after she arrived the PSW showed up, and she wasn't a Hot 20-something  like the 28 YR old was hoping for( and he was walking around in his underwear too and I told him to go put some pants on!) instead she was an older woman in her 40's ( ha, ha!) and she kept calling my mother Sweetie( the same thing I call Buddy!) and she was nice, kind and gentle, and she changed her diaper and wiped her ass and someone will be back again this morning. She also got a boxful of medical supplies delivered,too, with catheters, gauze, sponges, etc. Buddy even missed her,too, and knew she was gone( even though she's not really that nice to him) and when she came back he went over to her and kept wagging his tail and sat next to her for the longest time, it was really sweet. He's scared of her catheter bag,though; it's so funny; he saw it dangling down by the side of her bed and cautiously went over to investigate and when it moved slightly he got spooked and was skittish and scampered away, afraid! On her discharge papers I also noticed the doctor had noted a "lesion" on her collarbone they want followed up...I also noticed I have this big scaly patch on the "small" of my back,too, that may just be exzema or maybe something else.

Earlier yesterday( before my mother came home) I was also in the bathroom and I heard Buddy kept barking and when I went into the room I felt a strong cold breeze(despite no windows or doors open) and felt a "presence", like there was a spirit of some sort in the room, so I guess that's what he was barking at; he knew that there was something there (I wonder if he could maybe even see it?)and was alerting me; it was freaky, and I was saying how with my pills I don't take them one-by-one but all in my hand and just gulp them all down at once and my hubby cracked I'm just practicing for suicide and I thought that was a really mean thing to say, esp. given my numerous past suicide attempts and likely future ones, and he always thinks( and says) that everyone's "stupid" as well and thinks he's so much smarter and "better" than everyone else,too, and always looks "down" on them and his arrogance really pisses me off, and my mother doesn't even try getting up out of bed standing or walking,either, and there's no reason why she can't;  she's perfectly capable of,she just won't. Today is also 14 June, anniversary of when we moved to L.A. in 1984 and also the birthday of someone I once loved long ago.

Screaming in the night, Fighting for my life, I'd die for you.-Krokus


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