Monday, June 26, 2023

The CT Scan.

After waiting 3 long months I finally got my abdomenal CT scan! I thought the day would never come, either that, or I wouldn't live to see it, and if it turns out I have cancer I can just imagine how much it would have grown, advanced, and spread during those 3 months! The scan itself just took 10-15 minutes and she took 4 or so scans, 2 of which I had to take in deep breaths and hold my breath and when she injected the contrast dye into the IV my chest felt all warm and heavy and I could feel my heart racing and I was really dizzy too so my guess is my BP shot waaay up. I just hope that it shows something and has an answer to what's causing my pain and that it can be finally relieved, like if it's a tumour or an obstruction they can get rid of it surgically, yet I fear with my "luck" it'll be inconclusive or something and I'll still have no answers and will just have to keep on suffering with no real relief or answers. They said my doctor should have the results in 2-3 days. Today I still feel nauseated and have on and off pain on the left side of my chest,too.

I also visited my mother yesterday since I was already at the hospital and she was sleepy and delusional as usual and said my hubby "made us special short-sleeve outfits to wear to the hospital" and the nurse said she's been scanned up and down and had every test done and nothing shows up to explain her nausea(I wondered if it might maybe be her appendix, gallbladder, or pancreas) and she was woken up at 2 am too with bad abdomenal pain and nausea and she said the delusions could also be something called hospital delirium that some old people just get and they also want to call a "family meeting" to discuss a  long-term care home for her, which seems best esp. since she's not improving and makes no effort to do so and just lays in bed, but they removed the catheter and she's peeing on her own now(but still in the diaper).

 My hubby's youngest brother also stopped by for a visit(and now all the brothers are going to NYC next month) and greeted me with his usual, Hey, Weirdo! and I replied the same, Hey, Weirdo!  and it's still sooooo humid out; 36 C and I think the Wagner Group attempted "coup" in Russia isn't really what it appeared,either, but rather a "ploy", a stategy in the Ukraine war, a sort of diversionary tactic that was planned for some logistical reason rather than an actual mutiny, as things are rarely as what they appear to be, and no one 'crosses" Putin and comes out alive,(they mysteriously end up poisoned, jumping out of windows or balconies) plus, he's not that stupid or that vulnerable...

I'm so ugly, that's okay, 'cause so are you.-Nirvana


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