Sunday, July 23, 2023

Dork In New York.

Finally! Yesterday my hubby finally sent me some decent photos from NYC! Here you can see the Statue of Liberty  from afar and we also have Staten Island ferry below, Trinity Church and what he called "Rude Statues" which has a hippo and aren't actually 'rude"(they're just walking like they do in a circus act) he just has a dirty mind. He also played chess yesterday which I think is an odd thing to do; why go all the way to NY to play chess when he can do that anywhere? Why not go to Broadway or the MET or the Empire State Building  or something? His idiot brothers also called here yesterday and crank-called me, leaving prank calls on my answering machine while I was outside only it was just mumbling so I have no idea what they even said but I know it was them by the call-display.My abdomenal pain is better now,too, so maybe it just was my diverticulitis flaring-up or something else that just resolved itself and yesterday I also saw online all my symptoms( extreme fatigue, all-over body pain which they said is NOT normal, itch, night sweats,cough,etc.) and they're also all symptoms of lymphoma, a type of cancer, so who knows...

The birds and squirrels have also now almost eaten all of the mulberries off our trees, and my friend J( from the YMCA group in Ottawa) left for Las Vegas yesterday and it's 46 C there, and my mother called me again last night,too, even though I had already phoned her earlier in the day and she said she's "hurting" and I asked where and she said she meant depressed and needed to talk and it's also a break for me too with my hubby not here I don't have to go and visit her,either, I only do out of "obligation" and not because I "enjoy" it, and I can't run both the washing machine and the dishwasher at the same time,either, or else the power goes out in half the house so I have to alternate.

I also now smell like a combination of weed, coconut oil,and bug repellent(hopefully it also repels people,too) and the other day PM Trudeau was visiting a town near us and was "greeted" by 100 or so angry protesters heckling him( which is a pretty good number for a small place) and he had to be diverted to avoid and the mayor condemned the protestors, so now we're not even allowed to protest our displeasure anymore? So much for "democracy" and I only wish I had known sooner, ahead of time, and I would have been down there and joined them, and even made my very own F*ck Trudeau! protest sign and even add glitter on it for emphasis.I also heard on the street that just one Oxycodone pill is 60$ and I'd assume it would take several to get the desired effect so for that price you might as well just use cocaine!

The longer my mother also has to remain in the hospital waiting for a LTC home spot we also are still able to pay our bills,too, before all her salary goes into the LTC cost, and my BFF had her photo up on Facebook yesterday as well ( our mutual friend F posted it) and I was shocked; she used to be so pretty but she's lost her beauty now and just looks old and haggard, just like those old Korean women I used to remember in the grocery when I was a kid. It's so sad and it's probably even worse to be like her and to have once had  good looks and been pretty and to lose it than to be like me and to never have had it, and the one thing that I've always wanted most ever since I was a kid( to be beautiful) was also the one thing I'll never have.It's also sad to realize that nowadays most people are atheist( don't believe in God or aren't sure if He exists) but even so that's still NOT as bad as The System itself that's pervasive and rules the world today; with Satanism and pedophilia; at least with atheism people for the most part just haven't had the chance to learn about God, with no one to teach them, thru no fault of their own, even indoctrinated by The System,but Satanism and pedophilia are enemies of God.

Here I go again on my own Going down the only road I've ever known Like a drifter, I was born to walk alone.-Whitesnake


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