Sunday, July 9, 2023


Yesterday was a gut day! I went to the Farmer's market and got these beautiful flowers( sunflowers and snapdragons) and I like bringing flowers into my house because I like to have some beauty in my life, and I also went to the annual ethnic festival where I got Tibetan Momos ( which are like big dumplings or pot-stickers) and noodles(but now I have The Shits). I also brought it back for my mother in the hospital when I visited her as she loves them as well and I was going to get a dessert but NOT at 6.50$ just for a dessert and the 28 YR old ( who bought food from many different vendors; pierogies from Poland, Jerk Chicken from Jamaica, Gyros from Greece, Momos from Tibet,etc. what a pig) said I was "cheap" (I prefer what my Scottish uncle used to say, I nae cheap; I'm thrifty) and asked me, Are you sure you're not Jewish? and when I said I'm not he goes, Are you sure you don't have any Jewish in you? I also got my fave. Mexican soda(the mango one this time) and there were lots of dogs there,too, and I thought was kind of cruel because it was so hot and they were all panting in the heat.

I also got this funny weed hat at the outdoor festival and my hubby snarked people will think I'm "having a midlife crisis, thinking I'm 16 again" but  luckilyI don't care what people think and I wear what I like, plus I can also "mess" with people,too, if they ever say to me something like, Do you know that's marijuana on your hat? and I can just "play dumb" and say, Oh, my God! Really? I never knew that! I just thought it was a pretty plant! Oh, my God!  and pretend to be horrified and clueless just for a laugh. On the way home I also spotted a clawfoot tub( like the one I had at my old house in Toronto and love)  left by the side of the road for garbage pick-up and I begged my hubby to pull over and pick it up but he said it wouldn't fit in our small Toyota Corolla. 
Aw, f*ck.

I also got macaroons and baklava and there originally were more but we ate them in the car on the way home before I had a chance to get a photo. and yesterday I still had that pounding, throbbing headache that felt like how Indigenous People pound on their drums at a Pow-Wow, and the other day my hubby( who turns 60 in October) got "carded" for the Senior's Discount; they didn't believe he was over 55 and he had to show ID to get his discount, and my mother said to me, I want to go HOME! Why do you want to put me in an Old-Age Home? and I told her it's not that I want to, but that it's best for everyone; that she'll get the care she needs that we can't provide and that I was suicidal otherwise from the stress when she was here but she just thinks like do what you have to do but I still don't want to go and I'm nervous about the Family Meeting tomorrow as well, worried they might be discharging her, but then again the last  time they did they just discharged her, no meeting, so maybe this time they are planning on transferring her to LTC? All I know is if she comes back to the way it was before I'll be suicidal again, with us unable to do her care and also even with the stress of Home Care coming in feeling disrupted, intruded upon and judged like I'm not doing "enough", never enough, never good enough. On Tuesday she also turn 82.

I may be crazy Oh, but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for.-Billy Joel


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