Saturday, July 1, 2023

News For Now.

I saw this nice Mexican-style blouse(they said it's a dress but it's so short for me it's a blouse because I'm not a slapper) online, the exact  same one I've been looking for  forever but hesitant to order it as too often things are not the same online as when they arrive so I think I'll just look for it at the Ethnic festival next week and again at the CNE in Toronto in August where they have lots of international vendors. It's a safer bet I think as at least you can see and know what you're getting, plus, no shipping fees that often cost more than the item you ordered! Yesterday my doctor's office also called and said he'll be calling me for a phone app't Tues. or Wed. with my CT scan results so I guess nothing too serious showed up or else he wouldn't tell me over the phone but have me come into his office.Yesterday I also left the strainer in the sink while I was cooking pasta on the stove and when I went to drain it I couldn't find the strainer; it was turned out my hubby thought it was dirty and put it in the dishwasher and I had this weird dream as well I was lost in Toronto and I couldn't understand or read the signs for some reason and I was calling my hubby trying to tell him where to come pick me up but had no way to describe to him where I was. The house cleaners (from Home Care) were also supposed to come yesterday for 2 hours as well but never did(I guess they heard my mother was back in the hospital again) but it would have been nice to have our house cleaned and we sure  could really use it,too. I also feel like everything is coming to an end in my life now and "wrapping up"(I'm done homeschooling, the kids have all grown up and don't need me anymore or want me in their lives, my marriage is kaput, my mother isn't going to be around for much longer, Buddy's in his final years, etc.), even 2/3 of my TV shows have ended( for good) and like Raymond Reddington said, Everything has to come to an end so there can be a new beginning.

Yesterday I also traded the 28 YR old 2 THC lozenges for an Oreo  ice cream sandwich and I had the "advantage" since I still had 3 sammiches left out of a pack of 4 and he had none and the lozenges must have had hot pepper or something in it as well as it tasted like one of those Halls throat lozenges and it burned my throat and felt like Drano going down but the good thing was it got rid of what felt like a "lump" stuck in my throat, and felt like it burned a hole right thru, and a black cat also crossed my path and I have 6 daisies in my vase as well( in Russia it's considered to be "bad luck" to have an even number of flowers in a vase or bouquet) so I guess I'm just f*cked, and I also saw the Man With The Black Dog  who was asking about my mother and said he saw when the ambulance came for her and he said to tell her he's thinking about her and I brought her her glasses as well, hoping maybe she won't be as "disoriented" with them and won't be as delusional, and she slurps her drinks with the straw too, the exact same thing she always used to yell at me as a kid for, and it's nice without her here too always complaining and putting me down, being so critical,bossy, etc. and the 28 YR old said it's nice without her always being demanding and asking him  to do stuff/bring her stuff/give her stuff, too,and it's been so quiet and peaceful as well; no fighting, yelling, tension,etc.

How does it feel, how does it feel? To be on your own, with no direction home A complete unknown, like a rolling stone.-Bob Dylan


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Pondering For Today.