Monday, July 24, 2023

Summer Daze.

Yesterday I cut my finger on a razor and it's the finger I use to click on the computer mouse so now I have to use my middle finger ( middle finger, ha, ha) instead and it feels really weird, plus I also can't use that finger to type either so that's one less finger and it's awkward, and all day yesterday I had this twitching under my right eye as well but I don't know if it was something that other people could see (if my eye itself was actually twitching or not) or just something I could feel. I also saw a big moth that landed right in front of me and close-up it looked like a grasshopper with wings.It was almost the size of a butterfly. I also think that dying is like taking off your clothes and walking into a bright warm sunbeam and just being completely absorbed by the warmth.Yesterday when I posted the NYC photos someone also told me the hippo one is at the new World Trade Center memorial(my hubby never said where it was) and that they're actually riding a bike.

I also baked these nice hot and fresh dinner rolls that didn't last long and the 28 YR old brought me another of my fave. Mexican Jarritos mango soda, and it's in a glass bottle with a bottle cap that's nostalgic too and reminds me of when I was a kid drinking from the bottle cap glass Coke and Pop Shoppe bottles, and brings back happy memories, plus I also love the taste as well, and it costs almost 5$ just for one, almost as expensive as alcohol but it is imported though. It's funny too; awhile ago when I told my mother I'd had gummies she thought I meant vitamin gummies but I meant THC and then she "got" it and goes, Oh! Marijuana! I also had a dream someone gave me tickets to a Rolling Stones concert for September and I've always wanted to go but they cost something like 500$ so no way and I felt like a poor kid who was just granted a Wish. My mother also called in a panic saying while she was alone in the room and it was "safe" she told me she saw on the nurse's station chart 22 people on the unit were listed as DNR: Do not resusitate. That's so scary and luckily she wasn't one of least not yet. Holy shit! I hope it's just another one of her delusions and not actually real!

My hubby also said in NYC he walked down Times Square and Broadway but instead of sending me photos of that he sent me this instead(above) that looks like him at some redneck sporting event, that I have zero interest in. I also heard that stupid Barbie movie is doing better than Oppenheimer at the box-office, proving the sad state of affairs the world is in and how entertainment caters to the lowest common denominator, like sports, wrestling, NASCAR, reality shows, etc.and weird,too: this morning as I was getting up to go downstairs the Google Home device broadcast a message The house is haunted! GET OUT!!  and I was the only one who broadcasted it? My guess is probably just Google being f*cked-up again, or else someone maybe programmed it ahead of time.I'm also surprised to learn as well my friend J( from grade 8) said she's never left the country or ever been anywhere( not even USA!) and I think that's just sad; there's a whole big world out there with so much to see and experience and so many wonderful things to explore and to never have gone anywhere is just sad.

I still also sometimes miss the LDS church(the people) and the RC church(the comfort of the routines and rituals) as well but then remember I did leave for a reason, doctrinal issues, not to mention the clergy abuse and Residential Schools, and I still don't know if Jesus was God's Son or His prophet or if He was crucified for our sins or not(I find it hard to believe  a loving God would allow either His Son or His prophet to be killed like that; He'd move Heaven and earth to stop it, and besides, He's God;if He wants to forgive people He just would) or if He was just killed for political reasons,etc. and my faith in God has never wavered; just in man-made religion, and my mother also asked, How is the Black guy with the dogs? yesterday as well and I said, Do you mean The Man With The Black Dog? and she said, No, the Black guy with the dogs; Buddy's friend's owner... and I told her, he's not Black; he's trans! Once again, she's mixing people up.There is no "Black guy". I don't know where she got that from or what it is she "has" with Black people! 😂

Me trying to fit in with other people is like trying to swim thru honey.


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