Monday, July 31, 2023

Super Sunflower.

Yesterday my hubby went to a local farm to get some fresh veggies and he also found this: a huge sunflower so he got it as I always tell him whenever he's out to keep his eye out for sunflowers. This one is huge and the stalk is as thick as 2 of my fingers! I wondered why he only got one though(it just seems sad all alone all by itself) and he said it was the only one there; I guess all his friends had already been sold and he was the last one left behind which is kind of sad so it made me even happier that I got him because I know what it feels like to be the last one picked, to be left behind, so it makes it that much more special. I also finally got to see the end of the Oppenheimer movie and it just goes to show that even the most brilliant minds have people that envy and hate them and want to destroy them and the gov't uses everyone for their own purpose and then disgards them when they're done with them just like they do with military vets, and I'm no "fan" of the military(I'm a hippie peacenik) but I still don't think it's right how they use up the veterens and then just throw them away. The stove also continues to get worse(I have to start cooking in the morning for dinner to be ready it takes all day to cook) so we have to call in an appliance guy and hope it can be fixed since a new stove costs more than we can afford and esp. since we just had to get a new dryer, and 2 weeks today I get my gastro endoscopy and colonoscopy and hopefully they will have answers as to what's causing my pain.

I also follow this blog of an LDS family and 2 of their kids are on missions and their son in Brazil and his companion got accosted by a local gang(I think it's awful putting these naive innocent young guys at risk like that and they knew  it was a bad area; they sent  them into the favelas, the slums, the high-crime area!) and were held up at gunpoint and had to kneel down with hands behind their heads and were robbed, pistol-whipped and beaten up and thought they were going to be shot and killed( so scary!) and that was one thing when we were in thechurch I knew my boys were never going to do; serve missions as it's 2 years and the family has to pay ( 10 K a year) and you'd think with all the $$$ the church has(and everyone has to tithe 10% and they even audit everyone yearly to make sure they pay up!) they can pay, esp. with so much pressure to go(and shame if you don't), and it's so restricted as well; they can't have any fun,; no TV, no swimming, horseback riding,Internet,etc.) .

 I visited my mother yesterday and she said she feels like a "hostage" and a "prisoner" there not having any "control" (she's always been a controlling person and now it's hard having to depend on others) and can't do her "schedule" ( like what, exactly, I don't know but she's OCD) and her latest room-mate is such white trash as well;there's another patient who constantly loudly bellows and wails Help me! Help me! Help me! Help me, Lord! (and he is an annoying pain-in-the-ass but you also have to feel "sorry" for the guy,too) and she calls him a F*cking prick and yells at him to shut the f*ck up and she's "going to strangle him" and she yells at the nurses, Ignore me, I don't give a f*ck!(and it's never a good idea to mistreat people that are trying to take care of you) and listens in on our conversations and when I said it better not rain ( because I left my patio cushions out) she cackled, Ooooh! Or you'll get wet! and laughed and also snickered, I've never heard 2 women talk so much about nothing! What an annoying bitch! Hopefully she won't be there for too long! My mother's infected finger also "exploded" and pus all oozed out and now it's forming another absess on it,too. Yuck! My hubby also thinks my  daily nap is a "luxury" but for me it's a necessity; it's like medicine and I don't have the energy to get thru the day without it.

Be yourself.


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