Thursday, August 10, 2023

Dirty Hippie Feet.

This is my dirty Hippie feet going everywhere barefoot all summer, even outside, just like I always have ever since I was a kid and still do( that's how I stepped on the rusy nail awhile ago) and I can still remember my friend D in Jr. High calling me Horsefeet  because I'd even go to the park barefoot, climb trees and fences barefoot, etc. I just prefer things more natural. I even like to suntan topless,too! I love nature and being outside and I was even that kid that played in puddles, in mud, rolled down the grassy hills,caught frogs in the creek, etc. I also can't believe that next week is the middle of August already! Holy shit! Where did the summer go? I also think this is my last summer, my last sunflower season, my last time going to the CNE, I'm trying my best to enjoy it even more and soak up every last second of it because I have a feeling I'm going to die before winter and I hope I do die soon,too, during sunflower season so I can have sunflowers at my funeral. I am also sad and shocked to hear Robbie Robertson died( he was 80) too; he's always been one of my faves. (I have all of his solo albums since the 80's) and now most of my fave musicians have died; David Bowie, Tom Petty, Eddie van Halen, Sinead O'Connor, and now Robbie Robertson,too! I guess that means that Lenny Kravitz and Billy Idol better watch out; they'll be next!😭

My potted sunflower( "Pothead") now also has 3 blooms and 2-3 more buds left to go, thriving and happy and doing well in his  new home in the windowsill in the sunlight, and yesterday what should show up in my e-mail inbox but an ad from Princess Cruises all about Asia and Asia/Australia cruises, so if that isn't an answer to my travel question I don't know what is, and starting yesterday until my colonoscopy Monday I can't eat any nuts, seeds, corn, or popcorn,and wouldn't you know it; I had a craving for popcorn, now that I can't have it, and maybe pyschologically that was why; wanting the forbidden, and the 16 YR old was supposed to mow the lawn yesterday,too( the only day it's NOT raining) and with all the rain it grew so long it's like hay grass and you practically need a farming tool to cut it but he didn't as he had some ":raid" in his computer game even though work comes before play; you do your chores and other family responsibilities before your leisure activities and he even cancelled plans he made with his friend  for a dumb computer game too; he has his priorities all wrong!

Now every time Buddy pees on the carpet I also flip him over onto his back into "submission" like the Alpha dogs in the pack do to show their "dominance"  and mother dogs do to their pups when they get out of line and loudly scold him, No! BAD! so he knows it's not acceptable and hopefully to discourage it any further, and all my life I've always felt and been made to feel that I'm never enough, never good enough, never meet expectations or requirements, never meet qualifications, or standards,etc. and what worries me is that I'll also not be good enough for Heaven as well, and that's the one that really matters, although God also considers intent and how hard you try and if you mean well,unlike people, God can read your heart and isn't as judgemental and is more forgiving.

If people like me as I am good, otherwise they can just fuck off.-Alejandro van Rooy


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