Tuesday, August 8, 2023



MOVIE I SAW: Theater Camp


THING I ATE: A couple of small bites of chocolate cake for breakfast

SONG I LISTENED TO: Century City by Tom Petty

SONG I DOWNLOADED: Miss You by The Rolling Stones

PLACE I WENT: The hospital to visit my mother



KISS: My dog

PERSON I TALKED TO ON THE PHONE: my mother but other than family: Mohammed the pharmacist

THING I ORDERED ONLINE: Pre-rolled doobies

COOKED: Shepherd's Pie

DRANK: caffeine-free diet cola

DID: Had a nice warm bath with baby oil and lavender

As well, I'd really be surprised if it turned out that I don't have cancer, esp. with the increasing and worsening pain plus all the other symptoms and  all the shitting; oh, my God, all the shitting, esp. lately(and all this can't just be diverticulitis!!), and if I do I'm not going to do chemotherapy, either, because my life isn't worth saving and that way I'll also finally be free and I also really need to book a trip and get away and have something to get excited about and to look forward to( as well as going to the CNE in 2 weeks which is aways the highlight of my year) but not until after I get my scopes in case I need surgery afterwards; I have to wait and see the results first and then if and when I get the all-clear I can book it. I also wondered who is going to take Buddy out to pee while I'm at the "Ex" for 12 hours but then my hubby said the 16 YR old will be going on a separate trip with some of the other kids later and not with me so he'll be home to let him out as the 28 YR old will likely be at work.

I also smell mint out in the backyard after it rains so we must have wild mint growing on our lawn and we broke yet another rain record yesterday with over 55 mm in just the one day (that's just "great", now the grass will grow even more and need to be cut again) and my hubby and the kids have their own little world too that I'm NOT a part of and never have been and I often wonder as well how my life would have turned out if I'd never met him and settled for the first guy that showed any interest; would I have eventually have found love if I'd waited longer or was that really my only chance or nothing? Looking back I know I would have been spared all the stress and trauma  and misery though if I never met him or had kids. It's also sad to realize that religion, which is supposed to be all about love and worshipping God is usually the cause of most fights and wars, and I don't understand either the popularity of Taylor Swift; she just seems to me like that popular Mean Girl in school that bullies others and won't allow anyone "uncool" to join her "clique" and her music really sucks,too!#PussyMusic.

And let me take a long last look Before we say goodbye.-Don Henley


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