Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Middle Of August!

Holy shit, I just can't believe it's the middle of August  already and in some parts of USA school even goes back soon and here they don't go back until 5 September, after Labour Day(and the first year ever that we don't homeschool anymore; we're all done!!!) but even so they already have the Back-To-School ads on the TV and radio which I'm sure no kids want to see and be reminded of quite yet; it's still summer and in 6 more days I go to the CNE too, the highlight and my fave. day of the year  I always look forward to! Last night I also had a really good sleep as well and slept right thru until 5 am which I almost never do; I wake up every few hours during the night (and go pee,too)but not last night; I was so tired because the night before I was pretty much awake most of the night from 1 am shitting every few minutes from the colon prep laxative. That must be the worst job ever,too; seeing asses all day and probing them, and the porter that wheeled me into the OR also joked I was a "shish-kabob" being skewered from both ends, and alot of the nurses had arm  tattoos as well so it almost felt like being in a prison hospital and I had to wear a face-diaper( mask) I just took off when no one was looking and I guess the erosion in my throat from the stomach acid "backwashing" explains my cough as well  as the feeling of something always "stuck" in my throat and the nurse who did my IV did such a great job as well I didn't even feel it! It was my best one ever! usually they struggle to find a vein and they have to keep trying and my arm ends up all bruised!

I also visited my mother yesterday and the 28 YR old keeps "razzing" me I'm "obsessed" when I'm just doing my duty and looking after her and advocating for her and I asked if he would visit me if I was in the hospital and he just shrugged, Maybe in the beginning....I also noticed they'd had this big yellow paper or ribbon or something draped on her door so it makes me wonder if it's a "sign" of some sort as a "warning" or something to alert them so they know not to let the Crazy Lady in, and she didn't look so good yesterday; she looked pale and weak and said she felt nauseated and was all slumped over in bed and didn't get out of bed all day and now her legs have all atrophied as well from not walking in months and are so skeletal but until yesterday she had been looking better and perked up and more awake and alert, and as I was sitting outside the hospital waiting for my hubby to get the car this hot guy came out and I couldn't help but stare at his fine-ness(I may be old but I'm not dead!) but I also felt bad,too, because he was so young, but such a nice piece of ass, but it still made me feel like an old pervert though. 😂

For the past few days as well I haven't heard any birds singing or chirping; just crickets and cicadas, making me wonder if there's some big storm or other natural disaster coming and they've sought shelter elsewhere, and now there's an official housing crisis(shortage as well as unaffordability) in this shithole country as well and even the charity Habitat For Humanity is helping families who make 100K a year housing is just so unaffordable and they provide loans and homes without downpayments or interest, and I also e-mailed my travel agent and told her the cruise I'm interested in; the 20 day Asia/Australia( I heard now you don't need proof of the Covid "Clot-Shot" vax anymore) and to look into it for me, except it's not until Next September so I hope there's something similar sooner as I really need to get away now, and besides, I might not even still be alive in a year,and if I do die though and I've already booked the trip, the 28 YR old can just go in my place instead because you have to pay ahead of time.It's likely going to wipe out all the $$$ I have in my account too as the ship leaves from Tokyo and ends in Melbourne so the airfares will likely cost as much as the cruise!

So when the sun comes streaming in 'Cause you'll reach up and you'll rise again.-Dear Even Hanson


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