Saturday, August 5, 2023

New Stove!

We got a new stove! I used it 5 minutes after we got it!Not that we had much choice; we need a stove, otherwise how are we going to cook? I guess we'll just have to pay 30$ or whatever a month for something like 100 years until it's paid off. We were lucky to get it delivered the same day,too( which we needed; we've already gone several days without one and we have to cook) the other places said a week! We found it at one of those small places that doesn't advertise but has better prices and quick delivery as opposed to those "Big Box" stores. Plus, support local, you know.It's a Whirlpool, a trusted brand and not too hard to find parts, and NOT one of those annoying Smart appliances that's smarter than I am that I have no idea how to use or that has all these gadgets I'll never use, and that cost more and have hard-to-find parts to repair. It looks like our old dryer, actually. When they delivered the new one they also took the old one away which is good as what would we do with it otherwise? The old one must be 10 years or so(I could always check on my old blog to be sure, I must have mentioned it) so it's not unreasonable that it died; it 's just that everything's all falling apart( just like me!) all at once and we can't afford to replace them.The next thing to go soon will be the fridge(it's already losing cooling and makes "funny" noises" )and my piece-of-shit computer also always "freezes" and takes literally 5 minutes from when you type in a sentence before it shows up on the screen.

I also noticed this nest made of leaves on a small sapling on our front and it's either a squirrel's nest or a wasp or hornet's nest as they both make them out of leaves and if it's wasp or hornet I have to cut it down and burn it and Buddy peed on the carpet 3 times yesterday too even though he'd just been outside and peed 5 minutes before and I know he's old ( 17 1/2 now) and incontinent but still, and I was supposed to go visit my mother today but I can't as my hubby is playing chess in Oshawa( originally he had a tournament all weekend in Toronto but it got cancelled) so now she's all disappointed but we all know whatever he wants(and his schedule) always comes first and he's so inconsiderate of other people too just 10 minutes before he knows I go up to have my bath he dropped a dooce in that bathroom, leaving the stench for me( and unlike me he doesn't have the consideration to spray the deoderant spray when he's done,either) even though there are 2 oither bathrooms/toilets he could have used instead! I also saw The Teacher across the street yesterday puttting a rifle and 6 swords into his car and I have no idea what the f*ck is going on there and maybe I don't want to know...At first I thought maybe he's just going hunting.....but what's up with the swords, and they're not fencing swords but like Samurai swords...

I also heard somewhere someone said they had "freckles" all over their legs( like I do and I always just assumed was from the sun) that turned out to be "related" to their colon cancer and I keep shitting all the time as well( 6-8 times a day, sometimes more; it used to be once a day) and I remember my mother saying her grandmother( who died of colon cancer) said her only symptom was diarrhrea for a week, and I expect when I wake up from my colonoscopy and endoscopy that they'll tell me they found cancer and I'll need surgery, and someone who experience an NDE said when you die you know you're dead but initially you don't know how you got there and so I guess it's sort of like when you first wake up out of anesthesia all  startled and disoriented and don't know where you are, what day it is or what happened until you hear the reassuring comforting voice of a nurse reassuring you, You're in the Recovery Room. You had surgery and you're just waking up. Everything went well... and then you just sort of groan, Uuuuuhhhh, ooookaaaayy.... and flop your head to one side and drift off back to sleep for awhile longer. I also wonder if my lack of appetite the past few days may be a sign I'm dying and my body is starting to shut down? We also have these boxes in the Rec-room I thought were labelled, Archie: school, Archie: books, etc. and I was thinking to myself, Who the hell is 'Archie?'  and then realized it's archives and it's just my hubby's messy unreadable handwriting again. I can only imagine what "fun" his teachers in school must have had trying to read his work! 😂

Dear Mister Darkness, I write you again This time to tell you, today is the end.-Ozzy Osbourne


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